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Stiles P.O.V

Well crap.

I'm lost.

I've been wandering around this stupid maze for ages. You'd think an ex—die hard fan would be able to find their way out of here. Wrong. This place is like a... like a, well a maze!

I see something skitter from the corner of my eye. A small, green creature. A lizard. Stealthily crouching towards it, I reach out and barely graze its tail before it goes running off.


Surprisingly it stops running and faces me. It slowly walks up to me, head low and bent, predatory like. I beckon it to come closer, and it does, I grab it by its neck before it can run off again.

"Listen here, Wicked. You better get me out of here before I wreak havoc on your little stupid game," I spit, staring right into its cloudy grey eyes. The red flash of a camera going off every now and then.

I release my grip on the lizard's neck after it begins letting out small wheezing sounds. I mean I'm not a monster.

"And before you get all smart with me, you should know something. I know everything that your planning, and I mean everything. So you better get on with it, or else your worlds going to shit." I stop for a moment, "I mean, more than it already is.."

I completely release my grip on the lizard, it's scrawny little arms flailing at unnatural angles as it descends. Once it does, it takes no time running off.

You know I never understood why reptiles move like worms, it's strange.

Click, click.

I go rigid, "You're joking right? Great. Fan—freakin— tastic." 

I spin around to find the teeth of a slimy creature barring down at me.

The teeth of the one and only, Griever.

Thomas P.O.V

I sit on the chair outside 'my dads' office door, fiddling with a loose thread on my jeans. I'm not entirely sure about what they're talking about, their voices are barely audible. I check just for the sake of it, yup. The blinds are closed. I can make out an argument, sounds like Lydia and Scott, but I can't manage to decipher what they're saying. Crouching towards the door, I place my ear on it, nothing. Just a jumbled mess of absolutely, nothing.

Sighing, I look around the small room. A cup with a few droplets of water in it catches my attention.

No, it's stupid.

I mean I wouldn't stoop that low.

Screw it, what have I got to lose?

Rising to my feet, I go over and grab the cup. Luckily the woman sitting a few rows down doesn't notice, although I don't think she would mind.

Here goes nothing. Now on my hands and knees, I place the cup on the door. Just as my ear touches the butt of the cup, the door slides open.

Startled, I loose my grip on the cup and it goes tumbling down with a loud bang. Pieces of glass scatter all over the ground. Casually, I fold my legs under me in a criss cross apple sauce stance.

"Heyyyy guysss, what's up?"

Lydia rolls her eyes and steps over me, "Idiot."

Sheriff Stilinski steps out next with Scott on his heel. He looks down at me pitifully, phone hanging limp at his side.

"Come on, sport," he helps me onto my feet, "get up."

Just as I begin getting up, the doors to the department open. Three people walk in, 2 guys, 1 girl, each wearing the same gravy brown uniform.

"Where's the medics?" Stilinski places his hand on my shoulder.

The woman pulls out a white strap, "Medics aren't going to be able to help your son," she nods towards her name tag, 'Mindy. Eichen House'

Stilinski lets go of my shoulder, shielding me instead. "You're not sticking my son in an asylum. I won't allow it"

"You gave up that right the moment you called us."

"I didn't—"

"You didn't have to," Mindy intrudes, "frontotemporal dementia has no cure. It'll drive the sweetest person over the edge of insanity. He's a harm to both himself and those around him."


"You want to keep him safe, don't you?"

"Of course—"

"Then hand him over. We're the best shot you got."

Sheriff frowns, before slowly stepping away from me.

Mindy strides up to me, tying my hands behind my back with the strap.

"Sh-Sheriff, what the hell are you doing?"

Scott steps up, "Come on, that isn't necessary."

"We'll decide what is and what's not necessary," she leads me towards the door. I begin kicking and screaming, which sure as hell doesn't help the state I'm in right now.

"Why are you doing this?!! Scott! Malia! Lydia!"

Sheriff steps back into the office, the group follows, except Lydia.

"Lydia, Lydia please.. don't do this."

She turns towards me, "What am I?"

"What? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just answer the question!"

"S-Scott said you were a banshee right?"

"And what exactly is a, Banshee?"

"I don't know! A psychic?"

"A psychic? That's all?"

"Yes. A psychic!"

She nods and disappears behind the door, shutting it behind her.

"L-Lydia! Guys! Please, hmoo—"

One of the men slaps a hand over my mouth, dragging me further towards the door. Closer to wherever the hell they were taking me.

Closer to Eichen House.


Hey guysssss, I'm really proud of this chapter, especially the conversation between Mindy and Sheriff, it sounded so, intelligent. Which I am not. Also I thought you guys deserved a longer chapter since last chapter wasn't that long, and I took forever to write it. So I hope you like this one. Don't forget to comment and vote, boiiiiiii (Byee). Oh and if there's any spelling errors, please do tell me.

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