C h.2

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David's P.o.v.
"What the fuck do you mean I have to marry him?! I don't even know him!"

The moment my mom started to talk and talk on about how I had to Marry this 'Julian Edelman' I burst.

She looked Like she was doing it for a good cost like she was giving me away for a charity event or something.She looked kind of proud.I guess you could say.

But there was this little glint in her eyes.

I looked over to my dad for his say in this.He just shook his head and kept quiet.Ofcorce he took her side he does everything she tells him to do.

It's like she's draging him and keeping him away so he doesn't say anything.

"No more David,go pack your bags You will be leaving today with Julian."She growled at me,turning to them and smiling sweetly.

"Now."Dad said through clenched teeth.With my ears and my neck already red I stomped up the stairs.But before looking at Julian.
He looked sorry almost guilty looking to the side.


"Is that all?"

I nodded my head as Julian lightly set the fourth guitar case in the trunk of his truck along with my suitcases.

"Bye,David remember tomorrow at the studio we've got to record that new song."I hugged Madison as she hugged my torso.

I got a bunch of more goodbyes, before I jumped into the passenger's seat.

"I am honestly very sorry about the arranged marriage,"Julian Spoke up starting to drive."I didn't choose you my parents did."

That kind of hurt A hunk like him doesn't want to marry me.
(A/N:Smile through the pain)

He looked over to me chuckling lightly,you know those fuckboy chuckles where their mouth is kind of open with their head is tilted back a bit? Yeah I'm just rambling.

"I-I mean not that I wouldn't fuck you it's just that I didn't find you my parents did."His voice went highpitched at the end while he squinted his eyes.

Yay.He wants to fuck me!!(Sarcasm)

"Don't worry I'd fuck you too."I mumbled taking out my phone.

We drove for probably 15 more minutes with me scrolling through Tumblr and taking a few selfies.Shut up don't act like you don't do the same thing!

"David,were here."I looked up from my phone to see a huge house don't say I'm exaggerating because if you saw it,just wow.


Is it just me or do I feel like I get nervous when a hot guy is sitting across from me?No I think that probably happens to everyone.

"Alright well I want to make sure that you're okay with everything,soo were going to talk about how were going to go public and everything."He waved his hands around.

"Alright."I smiled happily at him.


"So were making it official by a post,were dating for 5 months then you'll propose? And then we marry."I muttered looking down at the contract on the coffee table

"Yes."He replied licking his lips.

I scanned it...almost missing this part.

The tenth reason why,I Julian Edelman
have decided on choosing you as my future husband.Is that my child, Hayden needs a mother figure.

I gasped squeeling"How old is he?!"

"Two and a half."He cleared his throat.

I though about it...I'm going to marry someone I've never known.I've never even heard of.Sorry.I don't watch football much.everything will turn out good.No need to worry about anything.I shoudn't.But just a little voice in the back of my head not to do it.

Without thinking of my action I signed my name at the bottom of the page.

Guess there's no going back now...

I know it sucks! It was kind of rushed.Well I didn't think people would actually like it.But thank you for reading.


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