America x Reader |Fanfic|Part 1

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• Aerial Lovers •

After an excruciatingly long day at work, you pulled your hair out of the bun (If Reader's H/l is long enough lmao) that unpleasantly tangled the soft strands. The flour that matted your hands in a thick layer was soon smeared on your apron as you heaved a breath. Your eyes traced the wooden interior of the cafe you currently were employed at. It wasn't great, but it had a satisfactory pay... sort of.. The scent of maple syrup clogged your senses, unbelievably strong.

You notice someone in the far corner you hadn't seen before. Most of the customers that showed here came on a daily basis, so this was interesting to you.

The stranger had dusty blonde hair that was swept slightly over one angle of his strikingly blue eyes. Silver framed glasses were carefully settled on the bridge of his nose and he sported a leather pilots style jacket with what looked to be a.. star badge?

Drawn to him, you slowly glided across the wood floor to his table, where he was peering out the window, so it seemed.

As you hesitantly approached the side of his table, he lifted his chin from his hand and looked at you, blinking.

The tips of your ears tinged pink at his sensitive gaze settled spun you, his menacingly fragile eyes studying you carefully.

Finally, he spoke up in a beautiful British accent. "Hello, Love. I reckon you work here?" His head cocked to one side as he straightened his posture.

Your cheeks flushed as he smiled. Damn. Might as well kill me now before his adorable smile does. "A-ah yes..." You mumbled, smiling nervously.

Not now, obnoxious female hormones.

"I-Is there anything I can ge-"

Suddenly, his soft smile faded. "Pftt..." He fills up his cheeks with air, failing to hold in laughter.

He looked kind of like a little squirrel, how cute.

Ch.. An annoying squirrel at that,

"Bwahahahaha! Dude! You totally believed I had a British accent! I'm a sick actor!" He said in a breathless american accent.

Confused, you hobbled backwards and creased your eyebrows. "E-excuse me.!?"

The strange boy calmed and he tugged the corner of his lips into a mischievous smirk. "Awh. That pink is a good color for your skin tone, you should blush again.." He chuckled teasingly.

Now not only flustered and embarrassed, but now angry you crossed your arms in defense, pursing your lips.

"Ugh. Boys are so annoying." You barked and slammed the cloth that was strung tightly in your group against his table,clenching the edge of the table with your fist. The room silenced and people turned to look, a few mutters could be heard.

"Pff, Kids, so immature."

"You'd think a waitress would act more responsibly, is there hope for youth?"

"This is interesting..."

"..What the actual hell is going on over there?"

You snarled, sending a sharp glare at the costumers.

Please don't fire me after this, boss.

"If anything, you're annoying in general! You have the audacity to trick me like that? To hell if you think you're getting served."

"Annoying? Awe come on that's a stretch. I'm not a bad guy!" He stuck his tongue out and winked. "After all. I'm the hero."

I'm the hero..

Now where have I heard that before..

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