Spain x Reader |Fanfic|

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(I'm sorry. Please hold while I fcking die over this fan art. I'm literally screaming this is adorable. Also not Hetalia or Fanfic related bUT PLEASE LISTEN TO PRISMO - CONNECT BC O M L THIS IS BEAUTIFUL.)

• Impossible Scenarios? •

"Hey! Antonio you-a jerk! Walk faster!" A little Romano had wrapped himself around the Spaniard's leg, making you laugh.

You were currently grocery shopping with your country friend, Spain. Little Italy was on your shoulders, whilst Romano refused to let go of Antonio, so that was that.

Side by side, you walked. Spain was usually some-what spacey and flustered, but today it was a little absurd how flustered he was acting.

A non-stop pink rim of blush was spread across the bridge of his nose. He even threw in the occasional stutter.

So you silently walked along his side, holding on tight to Italy's squirming little legs, giggling to yourself.

You all stopped at the fruit section, and Spain was literally holding Romano away from the tomatoes.


"You don't have to tell me t-that, Romano.." He scratched the back of his head, sliding five or six of the plump tomatoes into a bag, laughing nervously.

You turned around to hear a little girl ask her mom, "Mommy? Are those two a couple? Do you think they have kids?"

What you assumed what was her mother laughed a little. "They're probably married. See those little boys? Maybe that's their kids."

You turned back to Antonio, who was practically shaking as much as a beater on high.
His face was bright red, making Romano break into hysterics. "Forget the tomatoes you bastard, we have you!" He fought through laughter.

Spain said nothing, blushing harder, as you were blushing yourself.

You felt a tug on your sleeve and looked up to see Italy hanging over your face.

"Um.. (Y/n)? Can we-a buy some pasta?" He squeaked, smiling cheekily.

You shook yourself, trying to bring yourself back to your senses. "Of course, Fel, let's go."


He turned to you.

"I'm going with Ita to buy some pasta, okay?"

"I-I can come with, I mean, we got the tomatoes." He pointed to the cart, which Romano was now sitting in, eating one of the tomatoes.

"So yeah, I'll come, let me just tell Roma- ROMANO! WE HAVEN'T PAYED FOR THAT!" He panicked, sweat dripping down his face.

"On that note, I'll buy the pasta." You chuckled, turning on your heal and sticking out your tongue at Romano, who winked at you.

Italy began to sing as you walked, his little hand cupping your cheeks, squishing them.

"Draw a circle, that's the earth. Draw a circle, that's the earth. I am Italiaaa!" He smiled widely, hanging his face down over you. "Hey, (Y/n), have we got-a the pasta yet?"


"Veee~" He squealed, making you giggle as you walked back to Antonio, boxes of Rigatoni, Angel Hair, and Linguini in your hands.

"Anton-" You paused, listening to their conversation and putting a hand over Italy's mouth as you dissipated from view behind a cardboard cut-out of a Donald Trump election campaign thing.

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