Prussia x Reader |Fanfic|

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• Mr. Awesome •


"Zhis date is going to be so totally awesome! Trust me."

Your white haired boyfriend had been going on about a certain date he was planning non-stop for the last week.

"Oh?" You grin.

"Jou bet! Zhere's going to be so much awesome, zhat jou will die of awesomeness.. But, before jou do, I will be zhere to save jou!"

You were currently situated in Gilbert's lap as he hugged you from behind, playing with your hair.

You giggle,

"Mein Prinzessin.." (My Princess) He smiled, poking your stomach, making you arch your back.

"Gil! Don't do that~" You pout, laughing and squirming around in his lap.

He smirked and kissed your head.

"Unhöflich." (Rude) You tease, sticking your tongue out.

He gasped. "Nein! Don't jou dare use my own language against me!"

You chuckled deviously, wiggling out of his grip and trying to stand up.

"Not so fast! Jou will never escape from ze awesome Mr. Prussia!" He grabbed your hips and pulled you down against him, tickling your sides.

"Gill! Don't do.. that or I'm gonna-" You stop to break out in a pit of giggles.

"G-Gil stop!"

He smirked and began to tickle faster.

"What vas that? I cannot hear jou over ze sound of my awesomeness!"

"Gilbert! Stop tickling me!"

"Fein." He pouts, sitting you down on his lap and locking his grip around you. "Still, jou shall never escape!"

"Let go of me dummkopf." You stick your tongue out, crossing your arms defiantly.

"My girlfriend is a bully! Ze great Prussia is very ashamed of jou. How rude." He tightened his grip, kissing the back of your forehead.

"Oh yeah? That's it, no kisses for a week."

He went silent, thinking.

"Did jou just zhreten my kisses?" He growled.

"Ja," You smirked.

He got all serious.

"Prinzessin, I zhink jou are a bit mistaken here. Nobody zhretens my kisses."

"Well I just did."

"Take it back."


"Do it."


Suddenly, you were lifted up and pinned against the wall, Gilbert's lips inches from your face.

"Take. It. Back."

"N O."

He growled, inching closer.

"Listen to me, Prinzessin. Take it back."

"No," You smirked even harder, trying to hide the intimidation you felt.

"Jou're going regret zhat." He suddenly looked very dominant, smirking.

You felt yourself melt as the confidence you had slipped away, his lips were inches form yours, teasing you.

He hovered there purposely, watching as you didn't make eye contact, staring at his lips.

"Jou're harmless against me." He smirked, making you blush.

Your breathing was rapid as he inched even closer, your lips brushing but refusing to kiss. Your stomach was turning to jell-o and your face was a beet red.

"Now, I'll only ask jou one more time. Take it back."

"N-No kisses for.. a week..." You whispered shakily, your eyes finally meeting his.

"Wrong answer." He smashed his lips against yours, holding your hands against the wall and you gave in, kissing him back and letting his hands relax as you snaked your arms around his shoulders.

He lifted you by his legs and carried you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter as you kissed, his eyes still not closed as he watched your every move. Pulling away slightly, he began to tease you, moving his lips so that they were roaming mere centimeters from your neck.

"What vas zhat? No kisses for a week? Zhat week ended quickly." He whispered onto your neck, slowly gliding his tongue against your skin.

"S-Shut up, Gilbert.." You whimpered.

"I'm afraid I can't do zhat, sorry." He smirked.

"S-Shut up and kiss me!" You hissed.

"A little desperate.. are we?" He smiled, his fingers drawing circles on your leg.

You let your hand drop form his shoulders and around his torso, he cupped your face, giving you a sweet little peck on your nose.

"Eh, I suppose jou can't help it, I mean, I am Mr. Awesome." He smirked

He moved down to your lips, kissing you again.

However, this time they were gentle and tender. The kind that makes every breath catch in your throat, the kind that always leaves you wanting more. Achingly sweet, soothingly warm.


"Hmm?" You open your eyes, looking into his.

"Ich liebe dich."  He smiled sweetly, kissing your nose. ( I love you)

"Ice liebe dich auch." You responded, blushing and closing your eyes as he kissed the bridge of your nose. (I love you too)

"No really, I'm addicted to jou. I know it's stupid, but I just vant to hold jou and never let go, I just vant to feel jour presence. I desperately cling to jour scent when jou're gone. I don't just vant jou. I need jou." He whispered, looking at the floor, his eyes saddened.

"As do I, My Mr. Awesome." You mumble, running a hand through his hair.

He lifted you up and set you down on the floor next to him.
"I'll make jou some dinner, ja?"

"Go get em'" You grin.

He smiled cheekily. "What will it be, Mein Prinzessin?"

"I'm thinking Netflix and Pizza." You smirked.

Gilbert rolled his eyes, pulling you into a hug and pulling out his cellphone.

"Ja. I vould like two large pizzas. One Cheese, and one Barbeque Chicken. Ja.. Ja.. Delivery. Alright, I'll pay at ze door. Auf Wiedersehen." He hung up and slipped the phone in his pocket, you still hugging his torso.

"Dinner is served," He winked, pulling you up on his back and running downstairs.

"TO DINNER!" You yelled.


Oh Gilbert, what am I gonna do with you?

~Liebe ist schon~

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