chapter 11- i really don't know

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"What brings you to my lovely household at this hour?" Kendra asked while I tried to hold in my laugh "Oh you know nothing much, just wanted a cup of tea" I said in a British accent matching Kendra's.

We both broke into laughter clutching our stomachs "Hey what's with all the laughing" a familiar voice said while walking down the stairs. I inmediately sobered up and frowned "You didn't tell me he was here" I said to Kendra "Well I live here so what did you expect?" He asked.

"I didn't ask you" I said turning to Kaden who was now walking towards Kendra. "What did I do to upset you, Noelle?" He asked, "I told you to figure it out yourself" I snapped back.

"Why are you being such a bitch, what on earth did I do?" He asked and I looked at Kendra for support but when I looked she was gone, she left.

"You made out with Marissa Jones at the bonfire. When you supposedly went to get drinks" I explained, "Well she was hot what do you expect?" He asked and I nodded disappointingly. "That girl is a back stabbing, rude, and all around fake girl" I yelled. "You know what I wanna know is why you care?" He asked, I didn't know what to say cause to he honest I had no idea why I felt so mad.

"I really don't know" I whispered "Well come and get me when you figure it out" he mumbled back walking away with his back turned to me.

I didn't even want to stick around to hangout with Kenna, my mood went from 10 to 0. I left her house slamming the door as tears threatened to pour, I was so confused why I am so sad?

I ran to my house and ran in slamming the door shut and running to my room. I got to my room and slammed the door flopping onto the bed and I cried I let it all out. I cried for the death of my parents, I cried for my sister leaving, I cried for what Marissa did to me, I cried for what Kaden did, I cried because nothing is going right.

My phone vibrated on my nightstand and I picked it up to see a message from Kendra. I unlocked my phone and went to read the message (Noelle, Kendra)

Hey, you okay?

What do you think?

Your jumping for joy?

Not even close.

Okay, I need to be serious rn

Ya, you think?

Sorry. What's wrong?

Idk. I'm just a mess

Noella. Yes I called you Noella. You need to open your eyes, even I know what's wrong. You mad about Kaden kissing Marissa because you like like Kaden.

No I don't

Just think about it

Kendra I'm not going to believe that.

Noelle, why else would you be so upset about that then

I placed my phone beside me on my bed and sighed, the only thing Kendra didn't know about me was probably going to be revel. A light knock was made on my door and I said a small "Come in" as I fastly wiped away my tears.

The door swung open and I saw Will standing there with a smile on his face "Do you wanna play some video games?" He asked and I shook my head. "You, turn down video games. Now I know there's a problem" he said, "Yeah, well- wait how do you know I like video games?" I asked.

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