chapter 17

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My eyes fluttered open to find myself alone in bed, but how did I get to sleep so easily?

Then I remembered how Will slept in my bed last night. I sat up and grabbed my phone off the nightstand and I dialed Kenna's number which in knew off by heart.

The phone rang a couple of times before Kendra picked up "Yellow" she greeted and I smiled "Hey Kenna" I said. "You wanna hangout today?" I asked and I heard shuffling around before she answered "Course" she answered clicking her tongue.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked and I heard her laugh "I already got something planned just come over" she explained and I laughed at her enthusiasm to do this activity. She hung up the phone and I placed my phone on my nightstand so I could get ready.

I stripped off my clothes and slipped on my undergarments. Then I grabbed my white lace crop top and slipped it on with some light washed Jean shorts. I brushed my hair and tied it up in a messy bun grabbing my phone, slipping it in my pocket and going downstairs.

I walked into the living room and smiled as I saw Molly lying on her dog bed. "Hey Molls" I said cheerfully and he ears perked up, her eyes shot open and I dashed out of her dog bed and towards me. I kneeled down and let her lick my face and I gave her pets on her head "I'll be back soon" I cooed rubbing her head.

Will's been taking her on her walks and has been playing with her therefore I didn't need to. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys to the house, I slipped out the door locking it.

I walked down the sidewalk my feet slapping against the pavement. I turned to the right when I reached Kendra's house and I walked up the driveway.

I walked up the driveway and up the steps and I opened the door slipping off my shoes and then closing the door.

Kendra came out of the kitchen skipping, yes you read it right, she was skipping. I chuckled and she stopped in front of me smiling "Let's go" she said and I frowned, confused "Where?" I asked and she sighed "To the café where Will works" she said smirking.


"Why did you want to bring me here?" I asked Kendra, I shifted in the booth Kenna and I were sitting at. We were currently at the café and I was sitting across from Kenna in the booth. "Well I need you two to date" she mumbled staring at Will, "But-" I started "Nope, no buts. He obviously likes you Elle" she explained staring back at me.

Her blonde hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail. "I guess he does. He's not the dating type though" I said "You also thought he wasn't the kissing type but you were wrong" she teased. "Noelle, I know you're going through tough times so I'm thinking maybe Will can help you through it too and make you happy" Kenna said softly.

I looked over at Will and he was clearly focused as he was making a coffee for a customer. But he had a frown on his face. He brought the coffee to the counter and gave it to the man who ordered it, Will took the change and watched as the man walked away.

He looked back but locked gazes with me, his lips curved up into a smile as he looked at me and my lips curved up too. Suddenly his eyes drifted away as another customer came in. "Awww" Kendra cooed "What?" I asked her my cheeks burning from a blush, "You know what. His frown was turned upside down from just looking at you" she said.

I laughed as Kendra, for the first time in her life she was interested in love. "What time is it?" I asked Kendra and she smiled looking down at her watch "a quater after two" she mumbled. I sighed "Will won't be off for another two hours" I complained and Kendra chuckled.

"Where's Kaden these days?" I asked and she shrugged "He goes around town and check things out. Mostly to the deserted beach a couple of blocks away from my house" she explained. "I should go hangout with him today" I said. "Ya, if you want" Kendra said "Well I want" I said and Kendra laughed, "I think Will's getting off early?" Kendra wondered looking at Will.

I shifted over and saw Will heading towards our table without his uniform. Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt so I figured Kendra was right. "Hey sweetheart" Will cheerfully said "Kendra" he said nodding in Kendra's direction. He sat down beside me with a smile "Get off work early?" I asked and he nodded "Ya my boss said I could go so I figured why not" he said.

"What are you guys up to?" He asked and I shrugged "Nothing much, I'm probably going to go-" I said before Kendra rose her voice "She doesn't know what she's going to do. I think she said something about hanging out with you" Kendra said. My cheeks turned pink as I blushed and Will turned his head to look at me "Really sweetheart?"


"This is what you call fun" I complained to Will as we walked through the mall parking lot.

Will decided that having fun was getting me a job at the mall. Seeing as I needed the money I didn't feel the need to disagree but I wasn't really ready to go for an interview. So Will dragged me to his car and we drove here and here we are now.

"Nope, but you do need a job" Will said, "Ya ya" I muttered. We reached the doors of the mall and Will pulled it open holding the door for me "Thanks" I mumbled and he nodded.

"So where to now?" I asked "Well what's your dream job?" He asked "Ya, cause I've always wanted to work in a mall" I said sarcastically. Will chuckled "Better make sure no one heard that or else you won't be getting a job here" he said as I laughed.

"Let's start going to clothing stores" Will suggested and I nodded, Will lightly grabbed my elbow to direct me around the corner. He let go but left my skin burning as I blushed but luckily he didn't see.

We turned the corner to see a row of stores on each side of the building. I looked around and I first spotted the clothing store I usually go to, Chloe's which is a clothing store for teenagers. "What about that one?" I asked pointing at Chloe's, Will nodded and we walked to Chloe's and I squealed in delight as I saw the red printing on a small white sign saying Help Wanted.

Will and I walked into Chloe's and I smiled as I saw one of my favorite cashiers was working. Her name is Courtney, she is very funny and just all around a cool person. I waved to her and she waved back to me, this store was definitely one of my favorites.

It was a brightly lit store with racks of clothes and tables with clothes neatly spread out. It was middle class clothes, wasn't expensive but it wasn't cheap. I looked back over at cash to see Courtney had just finished with with a customer and no one else was in line.

"Come on" I mumbled to Will who was just looking around at the store. He looked at me and nodded and followed me as I walked over to Courtney.

"Hey Courtney" I said reaching the counter where she was working. "Hey Nicky" I said to Nicky who was also working the cash register with Courtney. I come to this store a lot so I know basically everyone that works here, "Hey Noelle" the both said.

"This is Will" I said directing towards Will and he made a small wave "Will this is Courtney and Nicky" I said nodded at my two friends. They both smiled "So I saw that you guys are hiring people" I said akwardly and Nicky laughed "Does my little Ella want to work with us" he teased.

Nicky is 3 years older than me so I allowed him to kind of be like my big brother. Like how he is the only one that has ever called me Ella. I laughed and smiled at him "Yes" I said and Courtney nodded "Okay great, you'll have an interview with Lily on Monday".

"Okay thanks" I said "Bye guys" I said waving "Bye Will, Noelle" they called and Will said goodbye.

"Looks like you'll be getting a job, sweetheart" Will cheerfully teased.

Authors Note;
So Noelle is trying to get a job. Hopefully you liked this chapter! Pictureattached to this chapter is of

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