chapter 15- or a girlfriend?

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"Follow me" Will said as he walked down the hallway and stopped at a door which I guessed lead to the downstairs. I closed the door behind me and followed Will down the creeky wooden stairs. Now I could hear male voices echoing while the talked amongst each other.

The downstairs was kind of like a family room. There was a three seater couch, couple of bean bags, and a couple of computer chairs. There was a flat screen TV and stacks of video games.

Will cheered and the guys cheered back as he sat down on a bean bag, I sat down on a black computer chair. "Okay guys this is Noelle" Will announced directing towards me and the 4 guys attention swapped to me.

There eyes looked over me and I felt uncomfortable "Stop staring at me" I yelped and they laughed. "Okay guys. Introduce yourselves" Will said and the guys nodded.

Sitting on one side of Will was who I recognized as Ty. "I'm Ty" he said with a wink "Oh, don't you worry I know who you are, you kicked a soccer ball at my head" I teased and all the other guys rumbled with laughter. Ty pouted "I didn't mean to" he complained "I was kidding, I got over it. Take a joke" I teased and once again everyone laughed including Ty.

Once everyone sobered up from laughing they all concentrated on me again. On the other side of Will was someone I didn't recognize "I'm Aaron" he mumbled with a small wave. I knew Aaron was probably the guy that was really outgoing around his friends but was around a new person he was shy. He had dark black spiky hair that looked over gelled and blue eyes.

Beside Aaron was the shortest guy from the group and he wasn't bad looking at all. He had brown wavy hair that swooped over his eyes and it was shaved at the sides. "I'm Andy" he smiled proudly at me. "And let me just say your very pretty" he commented with a wink and I laughed.

All the guys started shouting and I looked around in confusion, they wouldn't stop after I started saying "Stop".

"What the hell?" I yelled and they stopped all turning back to me "Sorry" Will mumbled sheepishly. "Where are your parents?" I asked Ty and he turned to look at me "Oh they're working" he explained and I nodded.

"So do you guys play any sports?" I asked and they all laughed, well of course I knew Will played pretty much all the sports but I wasn't going to tell them I knew that. "Um I play pretty much all of them" Will unsurprisingly said "I play soccer and volleyball" Ty said I nodded. "I play volleyball and basketball" Andy chirped "And I play hockey" Aaron added "Do you play any sports?" Andy asked and I nodded "Ya a few I guess" I muttered.

"Have a boyfriend?" Aaron asked with a smirk "Or a girlfriend" Andy added and they all gave him a skeptical look "Well it's possible" he said quickly. "He's right, my sister is a lesbian" I added "Does she have a girlfriend?" Ty asked and I shook my head "Yea" I answered.

"Anyways back to the orginal question" Aaron said and I laughed "My sister is in college" I stated because I didn't want to answer the question. "That's nice and all but do you have a boyfriend?" Aaron asked again eyeing me skeptically.

"Yes" I blurted out I just couldn't stop myself, "Who?" Andy asked and Ty laughed "Way to give her privacy Andy" Ty commented and everyone but Andy laughed. "Oh its okay, I don't mind" I said "His name is Kaden, he came down here for the summer. He is my best friend, Kendra's cousin" I explained.

"So you guys are going to try long distance?" Ty asked and my heart stopped beating for a second, I forgot that Kaden was going to be gone after summer. "Umm... I guess" I mumbled "That never works" Will chimed in "Sometimes it does. If you really love the other person" Aaron said and Will scoffed "Your so corny" he teased and we all laughed.

"He's right you know" Andy said "My girlfriend, well ex girlfriend, Tegan and I were trying long distance because she moved. We ended up breaking up because it was too much" Andy explained. My heart clenched, I was really confused right now.

"I'm sorry" I said to Andy and he shrugged "Not your fault" he mumbled. I turned and looked at the cable box for the TV while the guys were talking to see that it was about a half and hour after midnight.

I yawned and found my eyes lids slowly closing as sleep took over me.


My eyes fluttered open and I found myself sitting in the same computer chair, I sat down in when I first got to Ty's.

A blanket was draped over me so I removed it silently thinking how sweet that was of the guys. I folded it up and placed it beside me on the ground. I looked around for the guys and only found one of them, Will he was sitting up clearly awake on the couch.

He had his face in his hands with his elbows proped up on his legs. "Will?" I choked out my voice hoarse from just waking up. He looked up with bloodshot eyes "You lied to me Noella" he mumbled.

Tears were stinging in my eyes as I forced myself to keep them down. Bloodshot means he was crying and what did I lie about? He stood up and I followed him as he walked over to the mini fridge to grab a water. He grabbed a water and unscrewed the cap taking a sip, for once in my life I wasn't pissed at someone calling me Noella.

He put down the water on the counter beside him. He stood in front of me and sighed sadly "What did I do?" I choked out sad because I was very worried. "You're not fine" he stated, then it all became clear I lied to him I told him I was fine about my parents death but in reality, I'm not.

He looked at me clearly worried and there was something I couldn't decipher. "You were screaming your parents names saying 'don't take them' and 'they're gone, they're fucking gone'." Will explained. I looked at him and saw tears flowing freely while he looked at me "I know that you normally don't swear Noelle, this has got you messed up" he said.

"Will don't cry over me, you barely know me" I stated softly, I looked over at him to see fear in him, that's what I couldn't decipher before, it was fear.

"Your right Noella, I don't know you that well because I didn't think you were the type of girl to lie" he said. I wanted to know why he was so afraid, what was there to be afraid of really?

"Will are you crying for me because you like like me?" I asked, he shook his head wiping his tears "No" he stated. The look he gave me was enough to prove that he was telling the truth.

He doesn't like me.

Authors Note;
Yay the big moment!! Hope you guys enjoyed!! Didn't feel like attaching a photo if you want one just look up one of the actors/actresses and get one yourself..

Comment your favorite part and gave me a little vote!!


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