f i v e

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Krystal's p.o.v

I woke up with an tattooed arm over my waist and turned to see Jason sleep peacefully and I tried to pry from his arms but that made him pull me closer and he was shirtless.

I felt something poking my butt and I tried to move his arm hugged me tighter. "Mm baby...damn harder" Jason said grinding on me.

"Is this your first day impression of kidnapping me" he didn't answer but his eyes flew open. "Oh shit!"he said getting up and running to the restroom. I got up and crept threw the door and ran out but I felt someone yank me back.

"You little bitch" they growled and I whimpered at the pain. "Please" I begged I turned and saw an different version of Jason his eyes were blue green.

"Who are you?" I questioned he looked at me and laughed. "Justin Bieber babygirl" he came closer.

"Hey she's mines fuck off hoe!" An voice yelled and it bounced off the wall making it boom. We turned around to see Jason's red face expression, "chill kid she was trying to escape" Justin said I looked at Jason his eyes turned black and he looked at me.

"Get to the room now" he said in an angry voice I nodded quickly going near the stairs but saw an open window. I ran for it and made it out jumping over the fence,"Hey get back here!" He yelled scaring birds away.

I ran fast and saw an road ahead yes!.....until I was attacked by an dog pinning me down to the forest floor. "Off now" Jason came looking down at me.

He wickedly smiled down at me "Time for punishment babygirl" he grabbed me.

Please lord get me out of here!


~Victoria ❤

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