n i n e t e e n

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No One's p.o.v

Five big guys walked in and Jason froze. Krystal grabbed her gun that was under her purse behind her. Austin walked in and she dropped her gun.

"W-wait i-I thought you d-d-died " she shook very fast. He smiled wickedly at her. She shook more and he seemed to like it.

" leave her alone " Jason spoke up having a angry look on his face. "Or what?" He looked back and Jason was about to attack him when his guys came and held him down.

"Your gonna learn your lesson Jason I always get what I want " Austin said pointing his gun at him and Krystal pulled the trigger.

"You pull that damn trigger you won't be able to blink" 'you go baby' Jason said in his mind.

He laughed " yeah okay baby doll " he scoffed he turned around.

"Shoot me"

And without hesitation she shot him and he fell on the floor. Jason snatched from the guys grip and grabbed the gun and shot two.

Krystal shot the one that came towards her. They pulled out guns too 'smart' Krystal smirked to herself.

They were shooting back and a bullet skied Krystal's right arm. "Shit" she cursed loudly and shot the last two.

The shooting was over and she sat on the floor." Baby you ok?" Jason asked and moved closer to her and kissed her cheek.

"Now I'm better"

Short update ! I'm too lazy rn but love you all very much.

My IG&&Snap :



*not edited

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