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Krystal's p.o.v

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath as I tried sitting up but my head hurted more. I looked around the room to see it wasn't Jason room it was like an girly room.

I turned to see an body layed on the ground curled up and I figured it was Kylie because I saw her hair over her face.

I shook her making her jump up "hm...what?" She blinked seeing it was me "Krystal?" Kylie got up and I helped her I picked up my heels and walked to Jason's room.

I saw him sleep with an girl that had blonde hair. I didn't know he was an hoe, I tried tip toeing to the bathroom but that didn't work he woke up and I hid at the end of the bed ducking. "Babygirl you were so good last night" I felt the bed move and I covered my mouth from laughing at how drunk he sounds right now.

"Wait your not my babygirl!" He jumped making the bed hit my head I whimpered. "Shit" I said it too loud making Jason jump in front of me.

"Krystal!" He yelled I flinched "Hailey get out!" The girl ran out with the cover wrapped around her.

"Bend over the bed now "he growled I dropped the heels and backed up into the wall.

"I'm sorry" I felt tears prick at the back of my eyeballs.

His eyes were pitch black, his veins were popping out, his muscles were flexed and his stare was making me wanting to drop dead.

He grabbed me by the waist firmly pushing his body into mines like we were one.

"Get on the bed now" I nodded and quickly sat on the bed he smirked at me. "Your body is very beautiful and sexy" he licked his lips running his hand up my thigh.

"J-Jason?" I bit my lip, "yes baby" he lowly said in my ear "w-whats my punishment?" I looked down at his large hand.

"It's your choice" he smiled wickedly he walked over to his closet and picked out an large suitcase. He opened it and it had like toys, belts, hair gel, and an pocket knife.

"Go head and pick" I looked at all of them I pointed to the gel. He nodded and picked it up "Sit" I sat on his lap while he squeezed gel on his index and middle finger. "Open babygirl" I shook my head now, he sighed.

He squeezed my butt making gasp and that gave him an opportunity to shove his fingers down my throat. "Yeah baby that's right choke on that dick" I started to cry and tried to pry his hands from my mouth but he slapped my hand.

I felt him rub against me and something poking my butt. I managed to say stop but I sounded like "cock cock!!" his eyes went wide "you want my cock?" I shook my head no.

"Awww baby I can give it to you if you want " he smiled devilishly. I whimpered and he finally pulled his fingers out, he picked me up and layed me on the bed.

He went to his dresser and pulled out an large white t-shirt. "Change for bed" he gave it to me.

After I was done changing I walked put putting the club clothes behind the door.

I layed in the bed putting the cover over me. "No" I heard Jason say,he ripped the covers off my small body, "what the fuck Jason!" I sat up but he didn't say anything.

All he did was open my hand and poured gel into it. "Rub my head with this please baby" Jason pouted and I smiled at his cuteness "yes" I giggled and he opened my legs and layed his body there resting his head on my breast and his hands on my thighs, since I'm much smaller than him.

I rubbed my hands together and sat them in his head then started to massage his head making him moan. "I swear if we were fucking right now.....I would fucking be fucking the shit out of you" I looked down and continue to massage his head.

I felt him kiss my stomach and after an few minutes I heard snoring. "Aww goodnight Jason" I kissed his head.

I closed my eyes and started to drift into sleep. I think I'm starting to catch feelings for Jason.



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