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Seventy years ago, Firelord Ozai sent his daughter on a quest to find Avatar Aang and prevent him from saving the world by defeating the Fire Nation. He knew that Zuko was too weak to achieve this, but his daughter had no fear, no hesitation to lie or inflict pain in order to achieve her goals. She smiled cruelly, an evil glint in her eyes, and she exited the palace.

Azula visited Zuko and Iroh and tried to lure them home to their deaths. Azula's plot was discovered and the two escaped. Azula then met up with Mai in the captured Earth Kingdom city of Omashu. The Avatar and Azula fought after Mai's little brother went missing and the blame was put on the Earth citizens. Ty Lee joined Mai and Azula after Azula convinced her to leave the circus to help her in her journey to annihilate Aang. She needed her and Mai's combat skills and companionship in order to succeed. Azula never could have guessed the amount of twists and turns that their relationships would take over the duration of their the quest.
The girls' first days alone were spent tracking down Team Avatar in an impenetrable machine. They followed Appa's shed fur for days, and had to preoccupy themselves during this time. Mai sharpened and resharpened her throwing knives, Ty Lee arranged her body to fit in the various crevices of the machine, and Azula glared at no particular point on the wall. Her gaze was caustic and sharp, her mind full of the ways that she would harm the Avatar and his friends. Mai looked up at her.

"Azula, don't you know that if you keep your face all scrunched up like that, it'll stay that way forever?" Mai asked in her level, monotonous voice.

"Says the girl who hasn't smiled since Fire Nation Prep School," Azula replied, her words more razor-like than Mai's knives. The two girls glared at each other, their unspoken rivalry flaring up. Ty Lee untangled her limbs from a corner of the room; she sensed a cat fight approaching that she needed to prevent.

"Guys, just calm down. I know it's been tiresome being stuck in this machine. I'm just as bored as you are but fighting each other is not the answer," Ty Lee said with an exasperated sigh.

Mai grimaced and crossed her arms as Azula turned her back to the other girls. Mai stormed off into her room and Azula did the same. Both of their doors slammed at the same time with a metal clang. Ty Lee sighed, brought her hand to her face, and shook her head. Ty Lee left to go to her chamber as the sun started to set.
Ty Lee laid in her bed for about an hour; she was bored out her mind so she decided to see if the other girls were okay. She knocked on Mai's door first and was greeted by Mai screaming.

"Leave me alone, Ty Lee!" Mai yelled from behind the door. Ty Lee was slightly hurt by her coarseness. She tried with Azula to see if her reaction was any better.

Ty Lee lifted her hand to knock when something caught her attention. She heard a soft weeping coming from inside Azula's room. Ty Lee's heart started to ache; Azula was so strong and even though she could be a hardass, Ty Lee had grown to love her. It hurt Ty Lee to hear her upset. Ty Lee finished her knock, hoping that Azula would finally open up the door and herself.

"Who is it?" Azula asked trying to steady her voice.

"Ty Lee. Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Azula answered cortly. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you. It's been a while since we've had a heart to heart and I've missed it!" Ty Lee's words were perky as ever.

"Fine, if you must." With this, Ty Lee entered and sat on Azula's bed. Her room was more beautifully decorated than Mai's and her own; regal fire nation tapestries hung on the walls and the edges of the room were gilded with gold.

Azula's eyes were rimmed with red from crying and her breathing was still slightly labored. Ty Lee tried to wrap her arms around Azula to comfort her but she was met with the Princess's stiff arms pushing her away. Ty Lee edged away, hurt by Azula's rejection. Azula saw the sadness in Ty Lee's eyes and immediately felt bad.

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