A Lover's Pursuit

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Azula's eyes widened with surprise. "What- I don't understand. How did you-" she managed to stutter before Korra cut her off.

"I decided to do some research about you," Korra responded sitting down next to the former Princess. "I heard the rumors about you... I- I wanted to find out if they were true."

"Why?" Azula asked coldly. "What does it matter to you?" Azula looked uncomfortable, she still didn't know if she was ready to talk about her past love.

"Because-" Korra still had to keep her promise to Asami to stay quiet, but she had this strange trust already in Azula. She leaned in close to the old woman. "Because I think I'm like you. Not the crazy part, no offense. The loving another woman part."

Azula rolled her eyes immediately after Korra said "crazy". Korra automatically felt guilty. "Fine, if you must know, yes I did love Ty Lee. But before I tell you about it, you need to tell me something. I too have heard the rumors, you are a rash and impulsive Avatar who doesn't think, only reacts. But, you're not stupid enough to come in here without being pretty certain about me. So that leads me to how. How did you find out everything and do you know what happened to my Ty?"

"I'll tell you everything, it all started a few days ago..."
Korra rose from the couch after her cuddle session with Asami. She felt so much better about her day after talking to her love about it; she needed to clear her head from the drama with Mako and her embarrassing moments at the Council Meeting. That's one of the reasons she loved Asami so much, she was always there for Korra whenever she needed something.

"I'll see you soon, sweetheart," Korra held Asami's hand as she headed toward the door. "I have a search for girls who love girls to go on." Korra and Asami chuckled as they hugged goodbye.

"Just be careful, don't do anything stupid," Asami said with a smile. She messed up the Avatar's hair as Korra opened the door and her glider. She flew away into the sun setting on the horizon.

Korra glided back to her home on Air Temple Island. She wanted to start her research immediately and she knew that the island was home to many historical scrolls. The Avatar had never read them, reading wasn't her style, but she was willing to if it meant being open with her love to Asami. She went into the library and started flipping through the documents but she didn't know where to start. It's not exactly like they were organized by romantic involvement.

The Avatar quickly got frustrated, throwing the scrolls all over the room and grunting over how little progress she was making. Pema, Tenzin's wife, could hear Korra from the end of the hall and decided to investigate. She knew that Korra had never shown any interest in reading so she wondered what the Avatar was doing fumbling around in the library.

She peered around the entrance and asked, "Korra, is everything alright?"

Korra turned around quickly. "Hey Pema, what are you doing here?" Pema noticed the Avatar blush slightly.

"I live here," Pema responded unamused. "Now I'll ask again, are you okay? You never come into the library."

"Oh you know, just felt in the mood to do a little reading," Korra was bad at lying.

"Uh huh... Korra, I have four kids. I know when someone is hiding something from me. Spill it."

"I'm sorry Pema, I have to look into something and I promised to keep it a secret. I just got frustrated because I couldn't find anything that I was looking for here. Do know of any other places where there are more documents to look at?"

"Of course, the Fire Nation Sages keep a library fifty times the size of this one. It's almost as great as the spirit Wan Shi Tong's library. There are also a lot of documents at Kyoshi Island. My mother used to take me there when I was young, before I became an Air Acolyte."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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