C h a s i n g E l e a n o r (1)

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C H A P T E R  O N E

{ m e e t i n g  h e r }

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B L A K E  P A R K E R

"Bye, see you all tomorrow at Ivan's place!" I call out to the group of lunatics,whom I refer to as my best friends. "YEAH! Go get your girl,Parker!" Diane called out loudly as a reply with a full-blown grin resting on her lips. My eyes widened at sound of her voice,"Shhh! She might hear you,you idiot!" I hushed her, bringing my forefinger to my lips.

Toni rolled his eyes,''You're so fxcking whipped,bro." His comment makes his girlfriend, Diane chuckle.

"WHAT!? I'm not in love with her! I'm just curious about her,that's all." I try to defend myself even though I knew well that I wouldn't win this argument. Derek snorted,"Yeah,right.You never stop talking about her." He let out a laugh, "But,sure...whatever floats your boat,Blake."

"I do NOT l-" I start,but Tyler rudely interrupts me,"SHUT THE FXCK UP AND PLAY TONSIL HOCKEY WITH YOUR CRUSH!" He yells loudly,grabbing a lot of people's attention.

Diane sighed in embarrassment and apologized to them on behalf of Tyler's immature behavior. I swear,he's the youngest one from all five of us but he's the most dirty minded guy I've ever met.

Before I could start arguing back, my friends push me into the coffee shop, Coffee Drips and they yell goodbyes and good lucks. "Jerks." I mutter under my breath and run my fingers through my hair,I tend to do that a lot when I'm nervous.

Just as I step inside the cafe,the soothing aroma of coffee beans embrace me. I take a deep breath,inhaling the amazing smell. I do a once-over of the coffee shop,searching for the head of brown-haired girl who's never left my mind since the day I first laid my eyes on her. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in when I saw her. She was there,at her usual place by the window with a book in her hands,I strained my eyes to read the title of it, The Start of You and Me. Definitely a romance book,I swallow a lump of saliva in my mouth to ignore a weird forthcoming feeling I felt at the pit of my stomach as I read the book's title.

Take a deep breath, Blake and don't fxck this up. If you do,I won't hesitate to torture you painfully and then kill you slowly. I heard Diane's voice in my head, I mentally smile. That girl was batshxit crazy.

I sighed, and made my way towards the counter with Jennifer-the cashier who was in her late twenty's-behind it. She greeted me with her usual sweet smile,'Hey Blake! The usual?'

I nodded,the usual it is.

She typed in my order and glanced at me worriedly as she caught my eyes wandering to the corner booth,again. "Why do you have that 'fxck I'm so nervous, I'm gonna crap my pants' look?" She asked,raising an eyebrow but failing miserably at it. I give her a look and she widens her eyes to a very large extent.

"OH MY GOD! Today's the day,isn't it!?" She screams, bursting my poor eardrums open. I immediately glance over at her, I let out a sigh in relief, thank goodness she was unaware of Jennifer's high-pitched scream. I narrow my eyes at my friend in front of me,"Shut the hell up,Jenny!" I muttered,annoyance evident in my voice. She just laughed,"It's so adorable that you're so nervous,you know! Now GO." She swatted me away with her hand, "I'll have John bring over your drink to your table. "

I nodded,unsure and walk towards an empty table. My mind jumps back to the conversation I just had with Jennifer. Crap, today's the day indeed. Today I'm going to finally talk to her.

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