C h a s i n g E l e a n o r (3)

193 13 6

C H A P T E R  T H R E E

{ i n t r i g u e d  b y  h e r }

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🍰  E L E A N O R   S M I T H  🍰

When I finally got home, I was fully soaked from the rain and I really couldn't care less that I was dripping wet completely from head to toe or not. But, what did bother me, was the stupid boy that just wouldn't get out of my head. Everything I saw, reminded me of him.

The stupid green of the trees reminded me of the beautiful shade his stupid green eyes possessed.

My stupid book reminded me of his stupid book.

The stupid coffee I was drinking at the moment reminded me of how his stupid perfectly formed lips that drank from that cup and how badly I wanted his lips on mine.


I really needed some rest,really badly and the only way I could get rest, was by drawing.

I closed my eyes and started sketching something with my eyes closed. Normally when I do this, I just draw something completely random, mostly something that is associated with my book, like I drew a Dementor when I was rereading Harry Potter, but today it wasn't something book associated.

When I slowly opened my eyes to look at what I had drawn, two green eyes stared right back at me from the paper. They almost looked very real. The eyes looking at me were non other than, Blake's eyes. The green and blue irises looked just like his gorgeous eyes.

These were probably the prettiest eyes I had ever drawn in my entire life.

Did I actually absentmindedly just draw the eyes of the guy I just met today?

The 'most creepiest creep in the whole wide world' award goes to ME, duh!

I let out a yawn, and place my book on my table and jumped onto my bed. Sleep time,yay! "Right now, I'm too tired for dinner now, I'll just have a midnight snack.", I thought to myself and without my conscious, I drift away to a deep slumber.

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🍩  B L A K E   P A R K E R    🍩

How on earth can someone be so beautiful? Her plump lips, her dark eyes, her cute nose, everything was so fxcking adorable. Especially her lips, I was distracted by it the whole time.

And the way she talks, is so gentle that I just want to wrap my hands around her and hold her tight for the rest of my life. Her voice, as sweet as a bird's chirping in the morning. Her tiny fingers, so pale and fragile, I wanted nothing more than to lock our fingers together.

When she talked about everyone considering her as a freak, I saw the hurt flash in her eyes which was clearly evident for me to see. How can someone call her a freak? She's so gentle, she's almos- no she is an angel. The way she p-

"MR.PARKER!" I hear a loud voice boom across the room, interrupting my daydream about--my girl--in my friends' words.

Was I sleeping in class again? Oh well.

I startle from my seat due to the loud,piercing voice, and my eyes land on a pair of identical green eyes, exactly like mine.

"What were you dreaming about, Blake?" Keith Parker, my brother snapped at me, grabbing the attention of all his students. He's my professor in college? YES HE IS.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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