Chapter 7:Watching Twilight

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I don't own Twilight or the characters Stephenie Meyer created.I only own the one's I created.

Alex's Pov

"What there's more,what else did you leave out Alex?"

"Well I left out that in my world you and the Cullen's aren't real at all."

"So were fictional?"

"Yeah they made a series based on you and Edward and after the books became a huge success they started making them into movies."

"How many books are they and how many movies did they make?"

"well theirs four about you and Edward and the other two is a book about a girl named Bree who was a vampire and the other book was an illustrated guide about the series or something. I never got read the one about about Bree and for the movies theirs three of them, the fourth one isn't even out yet sense theirs two parts for the movie."

"Are the Cullen's the only supernatural thing here in Forks?"

I froze what was i going to answer to Bella.I am practically telling her half of the plot.

"Alex is their another?"

"Yes Bella at La Push theirs Werewolf's or what other people call them shape-shifters sense they turn into a werewolf whenever they want."

"Don't they have to wait for a full moon or something like that to turn into a wolf?"

"No Bella like i said they can turn whenever they want to.'

                                                                   "Is Billy Black one?"

                                                       "No, but Jacob and his friends will be."

            Bella looked suddenly worried when i mentioned Jacob and the door suddenly opened.

"Are you finished telling Bella another half?"Esme said

"Theirs still more?"

"Let me guess afraid she might be frightened,why not put on the first movie and then give the book later so she can chose on what path she'll take."

I knew Esme was right but i did'nt want to ruin the whole story plot.But i already told her some parts.

"Fine i will, but if she runs off to Phoenix your dead."

Esme rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Wait before the movie is putted on what do you mean Esme when you say 'chose on what path she'll take'?

"I meant what type of future you'll want to chose."

"Oh ok"

I got the DVD and movie out and went to the bed.

After skipping about 5 or 7 trailers it finally got to main menu.

"Hey before you put the movie on can you put the subtitles in Spanish?"Esme said

"Uh why Esme?"I asked

"You Know so i can practice my Spanish"

"Sense when do you speak Spanish?"

Esme looked at her hands blushing .Then i remember she had a crush on a kid from Spain.

"No way you toke that Spanish class in the 6th grade because of your one week crush?"

"One week crush?"Bella said confusedly

"Yeah she found out he already had a girlfriend"

"I did'nt just take Spanish class because of that ,I also wanted to learn about different cultural and besides i know way more Spanish then you."

"Sure you do say something in Spanish."

*"Por favor pon los subtítulos en español y pon la película"*

"Wow she does know Spanish i'm impressed."Bella said.

"Whatever and i'll put the Spanish subtitles on."

I have to admit i was kind of jealous.

'I'd never given much thought to how I would die.
But dying in the place of someone i love seems like a good way to go.'

"Who's that talking?"Bella asked.

"It's the actress who does you."

Bella nodded and went back looking at the movie.

'So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home.
I would miss Phoenix.
I'd miss the heat.

"Technically i don't miss the heat at all i hated it."Bella said

"What!"Me and Esme shouted.

"I don't regret coming here at all it was always to hot and it never snowed."

Me and Esme starred at her in shock.Wow sense we came here we are messing up the story plot.

'My dad's Charlie.
He's the chief of police.'

(Charlie)"Your hair's longer."

(Bella)"I cut it since the last time I saw you."

(Charlie)"Guess it grew out again."

"Ok nothing happen like that at all."Bella said.

"We know it's just a movie!"Me and Esme said.

" and it's different from the book."I added

'One of the best things about Charlie,he doesn't hover.'

"Totally true he never gets into your things at all."Bella said

(Charlie)"Bella, you remember Billy Black?"

"We never met Billy yesterday."Bella said.

"Like we said it's different then the book."

"Hey,I'm Jacob."

(Jacob)"We used to make mud pies when we were little."
(Bella)"Right.No,I remember."

"We never made mud pies at all."Bella said.

I rolled my eye's

"Bella for the third time.-"Esme was going to say but Bella interrupted

"I know, i know it's different then the book."

(Jacob)"I go to school on reservation."

"The actor is cute."Bella said

I stared at Bella in shock she thought he was cute, Robert Pattinson was hotter.

"My first day at a new school."
"It's March, middle of the semester."

(Tyler)"Nice ride."

"Sure nice ride Tyler, your Van worse."Esme muttered

"Wow Esme you hate Tyler?"Bella asked.

"Who would'nt."Esme said

"Hey why was their something on the trucks glass?"

"It's a mistake or an error."


(Bella)"I'm sorry."

"I'm not,i would'nt even say sorry."Esme said

"Me to."I said

"What has Mike done to you to.'

"Annoyed us!"Me and Esme said

"He may be annoying,but he's not mean."

(Jessica)"She's got a great spike,huh?"
"I'm Jessica,by the way."

"Yeah, and I'm Vampire."

"Really Esme you have to bring that up again."

(Mike)"You're good."
(Jessica)"That's so funny."

"Yeah and i'm a vampire and i'm so funny."Esme muttered

I rolled my eye's Esme was never going to learn.

(Eric)"Hey,Mikey!You met my home girl,Bella?"

*"Ha y yo soy un vampiro!"*Esme said

"Esme what did you say."

The only response that i got was a snore.

"Wow she has been sleep talking"Bella said.

I looked at the clock and saw it was seven thirty.

"Crap Charlie's gone arrive in ten minute's."

"Oh no dinner!"Bella said and left.

I putted the movie in stop and turned the DVD off and putted it back in my drawer.We would have to watch the movie another day.

1 hour later

After dinner was over we went to bed.

"Do you think Alice know's?"Esme asked me.

"I don't know Esme,I don't know."

Esme nodded and fell asleep.

I looked up at the sky and fell asleep

That was the first night i dreamed of Edward.

*"Por favor pon los subtitolos en español y pon la película"*
(Please put the subtitles in Spanish and put the movie.)

*"Ha y yo soy un vampiro!"*
(Ha and i'm a vampire!")


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