Chapter 17:Who Are You?

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I don't own Twilight nor the characters Stephenie Meyer created them.I only own the one's that i created.

 Alex’s Pov

It’s been two days sense Bella was released from the hospital. Carlisle couldn’t understand how she was better because when she arrived she was in a terrible condition and then later she was healing. I suggested it was a miracle. But I knew it wasn’t a miracle because for some reason I felt that I was the one who healed her with those random words I said.

“Hello Is Alex in their?” Asked Bella as she pretended to knock my head.

“Yes Bella what do what do you want?”

“Well we have guests.”

“Guests?” I asked confusedly

“Don’t tell me you forgot that fast, Charlie told us that Jake, Seth, and Billy were coming to visit us.”

“Oh I totally forgot.” I responded

Bella looked at me weirdly and grabbed my face to check my eyes.

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head to?”

“Nope I only have a broken arm see.” I responded showing her my arm.

Bella kept looking at me and was going to say something but thankfully the knock from downstairs saved me from Bella’s questions.

“You’re lucky their knocking the door come let’s go receive our guest.”

“Hi you must be Billy?” Said Esme shaking his hand.

“Oh and here are Bella and Alex.” Charlie said.

“Hi.” We both said.

I turned around and saw a kid who looked like Jacob and one who looked like Seth sitting on the coach but who the heck was the other one. The unknown kid got up and hugged me.

“Alex I can’t believe you’re here.” Unknown kid said

I pushed him away and stared at him confusedly.

“Who are you?”

“You know that hurts right that you don’t remember me.” Unknown kid said fake pouting.

I stared at him confusedly.

“Well sense you forgot who I am let me introduce myself I’m Brandon Andy Black.”

I stared at him. Esme and I really did mess up the plot.

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