Suki Chikara

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Character: Kirai (Hated) Chikara
Calls Herself: Suki (Loved)

Appearance: Light brown hair and golden brown eyes. Pale white skin and thin frame and short. She is 6 years old. Wears a simple white dress that she made from an old bed sheet.

Suki (What she will be called in this story) is a young girl unknown to the world. When she was born her parents had wanted a boy. Ashamed of this they decided to tell their friends and family that she was a still born. When guests are over she is locked in the attic which serves as her room. Since she was a baby she has been abused by her parents. She has never been outside and knows very little about the world. Made her white dress from an old bed sheet that she found in a box in the attic, because her parents refuse to buy her anything. She has a little brother named Taiyo, but they call him Tai. Tai is loves the anime Naruto so she know a little bit about it.

Attitude: Suki at first is a shy, scared, kind girl. She doesn't know much about the world so when she comes to the Naruto world she is scared, but curious. As she makes friends and comes out of her shell she becomes stronger.

Mother's name: Yuki Chikara

Father's name: Ryuu Chikara

Brother's name: Taiyo (Tai) Chikara

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