Chapter 5

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-Suki's P.O.V.-
          Right now we are in the classroom waiting for Iruka-sensei to tell us our teams. I am as usual sitting between Nii-san and Sasuke-san. I was tightly clutching Naru-nii's hand out of fear from the scalding glares being sent my way. Fortunately before they could start their death threats for sitting next to their Sasuke-kun, Iruka-sensei entered the room.
          "Alright everyone settle down, I am so proud of you all (...yada yada yada...I will now use my super awesome author powers to skip Iruka's speech that I can't remember) I wish you luck!" I smiled at him while Naruto seemed excited to go on and I quote "super awesome kick butt ninja missions". My big brother is something else. I quickly shook away the thought bunnies from my head as teams stated to be announced.
           "Team 1.....Team 4....Team 7, Naruto Uzumaki, "I started paying more attention when I heard his name, surly Jiji kept us together....right..., "Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and because of uneven numbers and request from the Hokage, Suki Hatake will be joining the team as well." I sighed in relief as Naruto stood up doing a little happy dance. We smiled at each other before he sat down and allowed Iruka-sensei to continue. "Team 8, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, and Hinata Hyuga . Team 9 is still active from last year so, Team 10, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akamichi. You are dismissed for lunch meet back here in an hour."
            I stood up and grabbed the bentos I packed for Naruto and I, "hey Naruto-nii, do you want to....where'd he go?" I questioned myself when I turned to only see his empty seat. I got up and began walking around looking for him. I passed a room at the far end of the building and heard something strange inside. Taking a deep breath I slowly opened the door. I saw a figure wiggling a bit on the ground. It only took a moment for me to realize the figure was Sasuke tied up on the ground.
           "Sasuke-san!?" I quickly made my way over to him, "are you okay I asked as I took off the gag?"
           "WHERE'S NARUTO!?" I flinched at his shout.
           "I-I don't k-know. I-I'm looking for h-him too." I replied shakily as I finished untying him. He quickly stood up, grabbed me by my wrist and started dragging me around to look for Naruto. After a minute I finally sensed his chakra which he was probably trying to hide so he wouldn't be found.
           "I can s-sense his chakra, he i-is by the b-benches." I informed the boy still holding my wrist, which I noticed he didn't hold it tight enough to hurt, just tight enough I couldn't escape. We quickly changed directions and headed over there. The only response I got from Sasuke-san was a 'Hn'. Upon arrival I saw a Sasuke-san about to kiss Sakura-san.
           "Naruto!" Sasuke-san barked. Said boy flinched and accidentally dispelled his transformation jutsu.
           "Sasuke!? Imouto!? What are you doing here!?" Nii-san asked.
           Before I could answer though I was interrupted by, "NARUTO!!!!!!?????" Followed by a scream and Naruto being punched across the courtyard. I winced, but I have to admit he had this coming. It seemed like Sasuke was about to go over there and beat him up for tying him up and leaving him in that room, but in stopped him by mentioning that it was about time to meet the Senseis and we needed to start heading back. After that he finally released my wrist, shoved his hands into his pockets, before walking back to the classroom; the rest of us following behind him.

-3 hours later-

"WHERE IS OUR SENSEI!!!" Nii-san shouted for the....I lost count....
"Maybe he has a good reason to be late." I whispered to him. He starts grumbling before getting up and starts setting up a prank. He placed an eraser between the door and the doorframe. After that he attached a string to the door and did a few other things which I recognized as different parts of traps Dad taught us. They were mostly to catch food/animals though...not really people. I guess he edited them for his prank.
"NARUTO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? YOU ARE GOING TO GET US IN TROUBLE!!" Sakura screeched loud enough that my ears hurt. I glanced at Sasuke-san and saw that his eyebrows had drawn together slightly showing she hurt his ears as well.
"He's not going to fall for that, our Sensei is a jounin." Sasuke-san stated, although a minute later a hand opened the door only to have an eraser hall on his head. I Immediately recognized the jounin as Dad. My eyes widened as I quickly stood up from my seat. I didn't get to say anything though since Immediately the strings started to work and the next thing we knew a kunai launched at Dad causing him to step outside of the room again to dodge. As soon as he stepped out of the door though it shut in his face. When he finally opened it again thinking the prank was finished Naruto-nii pulled a string causing a bucket of colorful chalk dust to fall on him making Dad look like a rainbow threw up on him. I couldn't stop the small giggle from leaving me as i looked at him.
Dad turned to me hearing my laugh and smirked a little bit. "After going through that I think I need to be comforted by a hug from my favorite daughter." The next thing I knew I was engulfed in a bear hug. I began laughing knowing now I was probably just as covered in chalk dust as he was.
"DAUGHTER!!" Sakura shouted shocked.
"Yeah! This is Imouto's Dad! Believe it!" Naru-nii confirmed.
"I am guessing you set that prank up." Dad said causing Naruto to nod his head with pride. "Not bad, now meet us on the roof." With that Dad shunshined the both of us to the roof to wait for the other three members of our team.

When they finally arrived I was sitting on Dad's lap fiddling with his hands. My three teammates sat across from us and just stared.
"Well, now that your all here why don't we introduce ourselves?"
"Introduce ourselves?" Sakura asked. I couldn't help but wonder if something happened to her brain.
"You know your name, likes, dislikes, dream for the future...things like that" Dad answered while suppressing a sweatdrop.
"Why don't you give us an example?" The pinkette requested. Naruto-nii who already knew Dad, zoned out. I was pretty sure he was daydreaming about ramen since he began to drool.
"Well, my name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes I don't feel like telling you, as for my hobbies I have lots of hobbies, and my dream for the future...never really though about it" he answered lazily. I couldn't help but sweatdrop. "Now how about you pinky?" I saw a tic mark appear on her forehead.
"My name is Sakura Haruno, my likes are ~SQUEAL!!* looks at Sasuke-san*, my hobbies are *looks at Sasuke-san* ~SQUEAL!!!, and my dream for the future...*looks at Sasuke-san* SQUEAL!!!*starts drooling*"
"and your dislikes?" Dad asked clearly annoyed by the fangirling.
"NARUTO-BAKA and SUKI-B*TCH!" She shrieks. I flinch slightly, but Dad and Naru-nii notice and begin death glaring at Sakura who was to busy fangirling and trying (A/N: and failing) to flirt/seduce her precious 'Sasuke-kun'.
"Naruto?" Dad asked after they both calmed down.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and my likes are ramen, training, Imouto, Kakashi-sensei, Jiji, Iruka's-sensei, pranks..." he lists while counting on his fingers. "My dislikes are those who bully Suki, those who say the Ramen God's name in vain, the people who glare at me for a reason I have no control over, and Mizuki-sensei. My hobbies are training, eating and trying different types of ramen, spending time with Suki, Kakashi-sensei, and Jiji, and pranking. My dream for the future is to become Hokage so I can protect this village and Suki as well as for people to see me as me and not my prisoner." I got up off of Dad's lap and walked over to Naruto-nii to give him a hug. The rest of the team looked at Naruto in confusion and shock that he said something without yelling and was mostly serious. I then sat next to him and held his hand. He smiled down at me as Dad asked for Sasuke-san to introduce himself.
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things and like almost nothing (A/N: Que depressed Sakura) my dream for the future is not a dream because I will make it a reality, I will restore my clan and kill a certain someone." 'Itachi' I thought and from the looks of Dad and Onii-chan I could tell they came to the same conclusion, although for a moment I saw Naru-nii panic thinking Sasuke-san wanted to kill him.
"Suki?" Dad asked.
I nodded, "My name is S-Suki Hatake, my l-likes are spending time with N-Naru-n-nii, Dad, and J-Jiji, my d-dislikes are b-bullies, m-my birth p-parents, and b-broccoli. My hobbies are t-training, p-playing with Onii-chan and Dad, and r-reading. My d-dream for the f-future is to p-protect those I c-care about so nothing like that ever happens a-again." I finished and Naruto-nii-san gave me a big hug.
"Alright you are all unique now I want all of you to meet up at training ground 7 at 7:00 tomorrow morning we will be doing our first assignment." Dad announced happily. Naru and I sweatdropped already having an idea of what was going to happen.
"Oh oh oh, what is it!?" Sakura asked probably eager to watch how cool her 'Sasuke-kun' was.
"A survival exercise" Dad replied with his famous closed eye smile.
"but we did plenty of those in the Academy!" She whines.
"well this is a test to see if you become genin or go back to the academy, I'd tell you your odds but you won't like them."
"What do you mean odds and we are already Genin sensei!" Sakura shrieks out of pure annoyance.
Well you see the test you took at the academy was to see if you had the potential to become Genin. And your odds..."
"JUST TELL US!!!" She screeched hurting everyone's ears. I felt bad for Dad since his hearing was more sensitive then the rest of ours.
"Well...out of the 27 graduates only 9 maybe 10 of you will become full Genin meaning you have about a 33% chance of success." He answered lazily. I could tell Dad wanted to end the discussion quickly, probably so he can continue to read his book which I still don't know what it is about. Taking a look around I noticed Sakura looking very nervous, Sasuke-san was also nervous if you looked close enough. Since Naruto-nii and I already had an idea of the test we weren't to nervous thankfully.
"So, Suki, do you want to spend the night at your older brother's tonight? I know you haven't done so in a while."
before I could reply Nii-san shouted, "YEAH!" Then grabbed my arm dragging me away. I giggled slightly at how excited my older brother was, smiling the whole way to the apartment.

'I hope that no matter what happens we can stay like this, a family.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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