Chapter 4

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-Suki's P.O.V.-

    It has been a few years since then, and we are getting ready to Graduate. Thanks to Dad's help Nii-san and I are fully prepared for the Exam. Since I have gotten here I have gotten much stronger and am probably one of the higher ranked students. Unfortunately, I still have't gotten much better when it comes to talking to others, but I have gotten closer to Hinata. She is really nice and pretty quiet. Nii-san and I are walking to the Academy together as usual. I was holding his hand as we approached the Academy entrance. We made it to Iruka-sensei's class and we sat down by Sasuke-san. I sat between Naruto and Sasuke-san. Sasuke-san and I pretty much have a silent agreement of don't bother me and I won't bother you. Anyways, we were sitting waiting for the teacher to get here when a rumbling shook the entire building. I clung to Nii-san out of fear of what I knew was coming. He gives me a comforting look that calms me down a bit.
    Suddenly, the door to the classroom slammed open and Ino and Sakura both shout, "I WIN!!!"
    "What are you talking about forehead! I obviously won!"
    "Are you blind Ino-pig!? My toes was at least a tenth of a centimeter ahead of your's!" They continue to argue as they approach our desk. I try to hide in Naru-nii's arm as he waves at Sakura and says hello. I felt bad when Sakura simply pushes Naruto to the side completely ignoring him. I had managed to let go of him in time so I wouldn't fall over as well, but now I am facing the two queen fangirls alone. I felt myself begin to shake in fear. When they notice me they send me death glares, and I have a small flashback to when my parents would give me those glares. I felt my eyes begin to tear up.
    "Aww is the wimp crying?" Sakura sneers as she reaches towards me. I flinch away from her which causes me to bump into Sasuke-san. I sent him an apologetic look and he just grunts, but I saw a bit of concern in his eyes that he quickly covers up.
"Hey, watch it! Don't bump into MY Sasuke-kun!" Ino Shrieks. I whimper as I attempt to make myself invisible as I desperately wish for Naruto to get up and help me. When Naruto sits up he sees me crying and growls.
    "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" He shouts causing the class to go silent and stare at us.
    "But She is sitting next to MY Sasuke-kun!!" They screech. The next thing any of us know, Nii-san is on top of the desk glaring at Sasuke-san. I swear I saw electricity zap between the two's glares.
    "Nii-san, w-what are y-you doing?" I stutter as I try to regain control of myself.
    "I don't get it? Why is it always him? Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke! What so great about the guy!?" He grumbled. I had a really bad feeling for some reason. A moment later the guy behind Naruto stands up and knocks Naruto forward.


The whole class freezes. ...... "HAHAHAHA!" the guys all laugh as I giggle.
    "NARUTO!!!" All the Fangirls scream in horror. I feel an intense killing intent being directed at Naruto. I begin to shake, but I force myself to get myself in control. 'Remember why you even came to the academy. To become a ninja and protect those that I care about!' I mentally yell at myself. I get up and shakily stand in front of Nii-san.
    "P-Please, don't h-hurt N-Nii-san." I stutter as I get into a Taijutsu stance. I am not the best at Taijutsu, but I am pretty good at Ninjutsu. Dad says I have a large Chakra supply which is probably why I am better at ninjutsu.
    "Suki!?" Naruto exclaims surprised. All the Fangirls stop for a moment surprised as well that the shy weak girl is actually confronting them. When they snapped out of their initial shock they took a threatening step forward. I gulped, but held my ground. Thankfully, before anything could happen, Iruka-sensei entered the classroom.
    "Go to your seats." he instructs. Naruto and I sit in our original spots and the fangirls go else where. Iruka begins calling names and when mine is called I get up and slowly make my way to the testing room.
    "Okay Suki-chan, all you need to do is make 3 clones." Iruka-sensei says. I nod and make the hand signs. 5 clones appear next to me, and Iruka smiles at me.
    "Good job, you passed." He congratulated me, but then looked at me with concern. "You know, you don't have to become a ninja. You don't seem like the type who would want to become a ninja." Iruka tells me concerned.
    I mustered up all of my resolve and looked him in the eye, "No, I want to be a ninja. I want to be able to protect the people I care about." I tell him, not wavering once.
    Iruka's eyes widened, then he smiles, "Okay, now get your Hitai-at from Mizuki-sensei." He instructs. I nod and turn to Mizuki. I got a bad feeling about him which caused me to hesitate approaching him. Slowly, I reached out and took the Hitai-at and tied it around my forehead. I then went outside and waited under the tree for Naruto and Dad.
    A little while later Naruto came out with a Hitai-at on his head like me. I smile at him and he runs up to me completely ignoring all the glares being sent his way.
    "Congratulations, Naru-nii, you passed!" I hug him.
    "Yeah, thanks to you and your Dad. I don't think I'd have been able to pass if it weren't for your guy's help." He smiles brightly.
    "So what did Iruka think of the clones?" I ask. Dad had taught Naruto the Shadow Clone Jutsu, when he realized how much chakra he had.
    "He sure was surprised, and guess what!?" He shouts excitedly. I cock my head to the side and give him a confused expression. "He said that since we passed he would take us out for Ramen!" Naru-nii shouts excitedly. I giggled at how excited he was. A moment later Dad showed up and ruffled mine and Nii-san's hair.
    "Good job passing you two, I knew you could do it." He gives up a closed eye smile.
    "Guess what." I say happily.
    Dad looks at me and asks, "what?"
    Before I could answer Naruto-nii blurts out, "IRUKA-SENSEI SAID THAT HE WOULD TAKE US FOR RAMEN SINCE WE PASSED!!!" I thought I was going to be blinded from how bright his smile was.
    Dad chuckles, "Okay, and Naruto would you like to spend the night, so we can celebrate you two passing?"
    "YEAH!" Naruto shouts excitedly while I just smile and nod.

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