#1: Username problems

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[Start of the chat]

Meetch: Sup doods

Bacca: Hey guys

Cactus: Hi :D

Fish: Oi Fish Fish Fish

Star: hey m8

Flower: Heyyy

Meetch: I feel like the only one who used his own name.

Cactus: Then change it

Katniss: Done

Star: Wtf Mitch

Katniss: idk wat to put as my username :/.

Fish: I know, Canadian

Flower: But I'm also canadian!

Bacca: What about Peeta

Katniss: Nope I wanna be a girl #2girly4u

Star: Finnick?

Katniss: Nope :p

Cactus: Well then, Katniss Donald Ralph Hughes

Fish: Should I change my username?

Cactus: Nope.


Flower: Idk

Katniss: Kill the Capital!

Bacca: Mitch you are out of your mind now. And Lachlan, it's your choice.

Fish: I'm gonna change it.

#Banter: Done, how is it boys?

Cactus:WASSUP! BOISSSS I like it Lachy


Flower: Perf Lach

Katniss: Where's my bow and arrow?

Bacca: Niceee Lach, now can I slap Mitch? This is not him.

#Banter: Go ahead

Cactus: DO IT DO IT

Flower:*chants with Preston*

Katniss: Woah wait why am I here?

Star: That worked.

Flower: Nice one Jerome

Bacca: Thx, now my hand hurts.

Star:Guys, gtg record GTA V with the SDMN bye

[Star left the chatroom]

Katniss: Nobody answered my question, why am I here?

Bacca: Gtg take care of Mitch bye.

[Bacca and Katniss left the chatroom]

Cactus: Lachy, Rob wanna record minigames?

Flower: Kk

#Banter: Ok, hang us up on skype

[Cactus,#Banter, Flower left the chatroom]

[End of Chat]

(A/N)Heyyy new book guysss! This one would have lesser uploads comparing to the other book. Enjoy the new years eve and cyaa <3

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