.~*//Guide to a thousand cherry blossoms\\*~.{Byakuya's Eternity Love}

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Chapter One

I was sitting in the library. I was in the town of Karakura. I was searching for an old Captain from Soul Society. This is an important reason. I have been searching for 200 years now. I had to find proof, to prove my innocence.

(Back Story)

200 years ago, I was ranked Vice Captain to squad the 6th squad in Soul Society. I have light purple eyes and long black hair. I was part of the 4th noble family as well. I was very strong. My technique with my zanpakuto is that my sword can use purple acidic rain. It hits the image I have in my mind. It’s almost nearly impossible to dodge my attack, because you never know it’s coming at you until it’s too late. That’s how fast it is.

I had someone who I didn’t get along with to well, but I didn’t hate them. I would never draw my sword out in Soul Society. I would never cut another Soul Reaper unless they attacked me first. That’s how I always saw it. If possible, I refused to draw out my sword. I only draw it when completely necessary.

Anyways, this person I didn’t like. I didn’t like them because they didn’t show much respect towards other people. That’s a pet peeve of mine, is to show respect to others. But as I just explained, I wouldn’t dare cut someone unless I had to.

One day I was making my way to my division to speak with my captain about a mission that’s coming up, but first I had to swing by my place. Once I got out my place, I saw soul reapers standing outside my door. “Ai. I’m sorry, but we are going to need to bring you in.” One of them said.

“Wh… what’s the meaning of this?” I ordered.

“We know about the murder, Ai. You can’t hide it from us, but it was a nice try. We know all about the experiments. They are coming to an end today.”

“Experiments?” I repeat in a questioning tone.

“Yes. Please don’t resist us, or we will have to force you to come with us.”

“No, it’s fine. I understand.” I say and let them take me in to custody.

While in custody, this is what I learned. Some people from the courtyard had found this room in my basement (which I didn’t even know existed) and found dead bodies down there. They were cut open in places. They seemed to have been tested with stuff. (I didn’t get many details on it.) They said they found my finger prints on these victims, and that my penalty would be death.


I sat in the library going through the phone book. My appearance is slightly different, but not much. Before I left Soul Society, I was able to steal my gigai. Once I opened the portal to the human world, I ran through the dungai, and made my way to the human world.

To most people I appear to be the age of 23. I had to change my appearance the slightest bit, so the best I could do was cut my hair shorter. It went from my lower back, to my upper back, and layered up 3 inches more.

I’m going through a phone book looking for a certain ex captain. His name was Urahara Kisuke. He may have some files, that I could use to help prove myself guilty, if he will help me. I have absolutely no proof that I’m guilty at the moment, even though I have been searching for 200 years now. Urahara was my first clue I came acrossed. Maybe he had to information that may help me.

The worst that could really happen was that he could turn me away. But from what I have heard, he was a friendly guy. Hopefully, though, I could find him to be alone. “U, u , u , u , u , u” I kept repeating myself until finally, I came across the U’s in the phone book. Then I began repeating myself saying, “Urahara, Urahara, Urahara.” Until finally I found him in the book. I grabbed a coin out of my pocket and walked to a phone book, and dialed Urahara’s shops number.

.~*//Guide to a thousand cherry blossoms\\*~.{Byakuya's Eternity Love}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang