Chapter 2: The Angel and The Demon

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Bela's eyes flutter open. The morning sun streams through Baby's window and strikes her square in the face. The sound of soft snoring registers next and she looks down to see Ruby's head on her lap. Jessica stirs on the back bench.

"Mmmm... where are we?" she mumbles as she sits up.

"I'd have to guess we're at the warehouse - the scene of the crime," Bela replies. "I'd ask Ruby, but she's asleep on my lap."

"Wow, she must have driven all night. She's got a lot of stamina."

As if in answer, Ruby lets out a loud snore and awakens. She coughs a couple of times and sits up. "Hey girls," she mumbles and wipes the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning," Bela says with a smile. "Is this the address Crowley gave us?"

Ruby nods and continues rubbing her face.

"Thanks for doing all the driving. I don't know how you did it," Jessica says and pats the smaller woman on the shoulder.

Ruby smiles. "No problem. Like I said, I don't need a lot of sleep. Come on, it's time to find the Winchesters."

The women fix themselves up as best they can, then enter and begin searching the warehouse.

Jessica surveys the walls and support beams. "This is it. I recognize this area from the video. This is where it happened."

Bela stoops down and studies the floor. "This is where Dean was lying... which means Sam disappeared right there," she says pointing to a spot a few feet away.

"Crowley said he searched the area but didn't find anything," Ruby offers. "But I don't trust him. Keep looking, girls."

"I also do not trust Crowley."

A man's voice startles the three woman and they all let out a yelp. They look up to see a man in a light brown trench coat standing in the shadows.

"Where did you come from?!" Jessica shouts.

"I come from Heaven, but I'm here on earth now," Castiel answers.

Ruby slowly approaches the angel. "Well, well, well... if it isn't Castiel the angel."

He scowls. "Ruby. How is this possible? Sam and Dean said they put an end to you."

She shrugs. "I couldn't tell you. None of us know how we're back."

"Wait," Bela interrupts. "An angel? As in, Heaven and God and all that?"

"Yes," he replies, then turns his attention back to Ruby. He studies her for a moment and his expression turns to one of confusion. "This shouldn't be possible. You're the same demon that vexed the Winchesters, but there's something different about you. Something that I'm not familiar with."

He turns and studies the other woman. "Yes. You all have a strange quality about you."

Bela and Jessica exchange shocked looks. "Did he just say you're a... demon?!" Jessica shouts.

Castiel nods. "Yes. This one is not to be trusted. She manipulated Sam and Dean in order to facilitate the return of Lucifer."

"What!?" Bela shouts.

Ruby rolls her eyes and lets out a loud sigh. "Yes, OK, fine. Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag, you big kill joy," she says to the angel. She turns her attention to the other women. She blinks and her eyes turn jet black.

Bela and Jessica gasp and take a few steps back. "Stay... stay away from us!" Jessica shouts.

Ruby blinks again and her eyes return to normal. "Calm down, girls. It's not like that." She turns her attention back to Castiel. "I'll admit it. Yes, I manipulated the Winchesters into helping me bring Lucifer back. That's why they killed me. But once Lu came back, do you know what he did for me?"

The other women stare at her, but say nothing.

"Jack! Squat! Zippo! He just let me float around in the either after the boys stuck me with their magic knife!"

"Demons float?" Castiel asks.

"Not my point," Ruby continues. "The point is, all my hard work got me nothing. Nothing at all. So screw him. And screw Hell. The Winchesters actually did me a favour putting me out of my misery. In a weird way, I feel like I owe them now."

She turns back to the other women.

"Maybe that's why I was selected to join 'Team Gorgeous'. I don't know. But I swear to you, I swear on whatever is left that is sacred, that I'm in this for real and I mean you girls no harm. Yes, I'm technically a demon, but I'm my own person. I don't answer to anyone or anything. You can think of me as... a free agent."

Castiel nods. "I am also, like you say, a free agent. My connection with Heaven is... strained. I still don't trust you though."

Ruby turns her attention back to him. "I hope with time that will change."

"We'll see," he replies.

Bela turns to Jessica. "An angel and a demon. And just think, the day just started."

Jessica ignores her. "Can either of you help us find Sam and Dean? I don't care about who or what you are."

"Yes. Right now, that should be our priority," Castiel says with a nod.

Jessica produces the android tablet and loads the video from Crowley. "This is all we have to go on."

Castiel watches the video and nods to himself. "Yes, that matches what I feel from here."

"Do you have any idea what they were doing here in the first place?" Bela asks.

"I know they were looking into an anonymous tip they received. There was some suspicious activity reported in the area. They asked me to meet them at this warehouse, but I was across the country. My car has been... acting up as of late and I only just arrived."

Ruby wrinkles her nose. "Your car? I thought you angels could just move around with a thought?"

Castiel looks a little embarrassed. "Part of me being a... free agent... is the loss of certain angel privileges."

Jessica spies something sticking out from under a crate across the room. "Guys, I hate to interrupt, but... what's that?"

Ruby walks to the crate and moves it to the side with one arm. She looks up to see the other women's surprised looks. "I'm a little stronger than normal people," she says sheepishly.

Castiel picks up the object and gives his head a little shake. "A card of some sort. I am not familiar with the establishment it lists."

"May I?" Bela asks and snatches the card from the angel. She studies the logo for a moment. "I know what this is. It's a company that specializes in occult items. I used to deal with them on a regular basis."

"That fits with what Sam and Dean may have been looking into," Castiel says with a nod.

"Then I say it's worth checking out!" Jessica says, her eyes lighting up a little. Bela and Ruby nod in agreement.

"Very well. I'll meet you girls there," Castiel says. He walks toward the door, then pauses and turns to face them again. "Do any of you know anything about cars? I may need you to give me a push start."

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