Chapter 6: Questing for Crowley

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Ruby and Jessica stand around a soup bowl in their motel. Several herbs and arcane objects already litter the bottom of the container.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jessica asks.

Ruby nods. "One drawback to being a demon is the involuntary yanking that happens when you're the target of a summoning spell. He won't have a choice."

Jessica picks up the final reagent. "Alright. Let's get this over with then," she says and tosses an old bone in the bowl, resulting in a small puff of red smoke.

"You rang, love?" a grinning Crowley asks from behind them.

Ruby does her best to hide her contempt. "We found Dean, but we have reason to believe Sam is being kept by a woman named Rowena."

The King of Hell's eyebrows raise at the mention of his mother's name.

"I see," he says and begins slowly walking around the room. "And just how did you come to hear that name?"

"Castiel suspected her," Jessica offers, "And Dean spoke her name when we rescued him."

"I see," he repeats and continues to pace.

"Are you familiar with her?" Ruby asks, a hint of agitation in her voice.

He stops and looks at the women. "Oh yes, I suppose neither of you would be up on current events. Yes, you might say I'm... familiar with her."

A spark of hope flashes across Jessica's face. "Where do we find her?"

The little man smirks. "That's the question, isn't it? I've actually been searching for her myself."

Jessica stomps her foot in frustration. "Dammit! So you're no help at all?"

"Par for the course," Ruby mutters.

Crowley fanes a look of offence. "I said I've been searching, my pretties. I never said I didn't have any leads."

Ruby and Jessica exchange looks.

"Out with it," Ruby demands. "Either give us something, or be on your way."

He looks the women up and down and continues to smirk. "You know that isn't how it works. Tit for tat, love."

Jessica folds her arms in front of her chest. "What for what now?" she asks.

"He wants something for the information," Ruby says in a tired voice.

A feeling of panic begins to sweep over the taller brunette. "I am NOT having sex with you!" she shouts in a shrill voice.

Ruby slaps her forehead and sighs.

Crowley's eyes grow large. "Noted."

"What do you actually want, Crowley?" Ruby asks.

He gives a little nod. "Down to business then. It just so happens that I have a little errand I need taken care of. Do this for me, and I'll tell you what I know about my mother."

The women exchange looks again. Jessica takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm sorry... did you just say... your mother?"

The smile drops off Crowley's face like a rock. For a brief moment, the King of Hell is caught off guard. "Ah, yes, right... well, that one was for free. Well done." He clears his throat and hands a card to Ruby. "This little scab has been trading information with those angel pansies upstairs. You'll find him at that address. See to it that he never trades anything again. I was going to see to it myself, but... it isn't easy being king. My time is at a premium."

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