Chapter 5: Catching a Train

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Ruby stares out the window of their latest cheap motel. She listens to the soft snoring of the other two women on the other bed. It was her turn to have a bed all to herself, but deep down she missed the feeling of closeness that came from sharing a mattress with one of the other girls.

Being a demon meant she didn't need more than a couple hours of sleep. Having long since fulfilled that need, she slips from her covers and picks up the pile of papers found at the old abandoned home from earlier that evening.

As quietly as she can, she begins sifting and sorting.

Morning comes and Bela's eyes flutter open. Jessica is still softly snoring in her ear. As usual, the sleeping woman's hands have somehow managed to find some rather embarrassing areas to land in the night.

"Morning, Jess," Bela exclaims loudly.

The larger woman's eyes blink open. "Morning," she groans.

Bela waits for a moment for the other woman to realize what's happening. It doesn't happen quickly enough for her, so she decides to help the situation along. "Could you let go of me?" she asks.

"Oh crap, sorry!" Jessica removes her hands from the other woman and shuffles away. "I did it again, didn't I?"

Bela sits up with a little smile. "Yeah. You're a night cuddler for sure. Were you dreaming of Sam again?"

Jessica sits up as well and gives a long sigh. "Yes."

The friends exchange a smile. Their smiles turn to awe as they look at the wall in front of them.

"Wow," Bela whispers.

"Someone was busy last night!" Jessica exclaims.

"What can I say?" Ruby asks as she enters the room with three cups of coffee. "I was bored."

The wall facing the beds is now covered with maps and locations from the documents recovered from the night before.

"You're amazing, Ruby!" Jessica says with a big smile.

"Here, here!" Bela chimes in and raises her coffee in a toast to the demon woman.

Ruby beams as she reveals in the adulation. "I love you guys!" she says and bounces up and down a little. "And look what I found!" she says pointing to the center of the wall. "All of the addresses cross reference to a single point on the map."

Bela slides off the bed and squints at the thumb tack in the center of the wall. "What's at that location?"

"A well-lit house on a well-lit street. There's a party there tonight," Ruby says with a grin.

"Are you serious!?" Jessica shouts, her eyes shining.

"Sure I am," Ruby replies with a sly look on her face.

The excitement drops off of Jessica's face like a ton of bricks. "Shut up. What is it really?"

The demon woman can't quite stifle a wicked giggle. "It's an abandoned subway."

"Dammit!" Jessica moans and covers her face with a pillow.


Its midday as Baby roars to a stop in the seediest part of Toledo. Dilapidated buildings litter the area as random trash sails by with every hit of wind.

"What a dump," Jessica grumbles and puts the Impala in park.

"I'm sorry," Ruby purrs and gently squeezes her hand. "When this is over, all three of us are going to get dressed to the nines and paint this town red!"

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