Football team

121 11 3

Ellie's PoV

We sat there for a while in silence listening to Mr wright talking about History.

He was saying something about the French revaluation, but I was bored so i took out my phone and texted Lucas, he had see it but not replied. So I texted Kaysy

El💕: I'm bored talk to me.

Kc😘: haha no.

El💕: yes

Kc😘: No

El💕: It's okay a have this new kid next to me I can talk to 💁🏼

Kc😘: 'gasp' I have been replaced 😟

El💕: haha you have. Gtg sir is shouting at the class 😂

"This is disgraceful. Stop talking and start listening otherwise you will not pass the assessment".

To be honest I don't rely care about the stupid test. It's not like I'm gonna be a historian or work at a museum when I'm older.

"So I'm going to set up a project, a partner project"

Already people were looking at me and I just looked down, I don't know why people want to be my partner, it's probably because I try to be friends with everyone.

I don't get why people like the populars or the jocks have to be mean to the geeks.

"I will be picking the pairs" sir said and everyone sighed. I think sir try's to be annoying, and if he is it's working.

"Okay so Charlie and Emma, Brad and Jane, Georgia and Tom, Elizabeth and ..... Eugene."

Whilst he was saying more names all I was thinking about is 'who is Eugene'.

"Okay class this project is due next week, so I suggest you start it tonight or as soon as possible."

I was looking round to classroom trying to workout who was Eugene, when the boy sitting next to me cleared his throat.

I face palmed myself. He was Eugene.

The bell rang and everyone practically sprinted out the class except me.

As I walked out the classroom I saw Kaysy waiting for me.

"Come on I'm hungry" she said pulling my arm and running to the canteen pushing past everyone in her way.

"Wait I need to get my books out of my locker" I said as she held her stomach.

"But I'm hungry" she said beginning to face cry.

"I'll meet you there" I answered and began to walk to my locker.

I got my English and math book and began walking to the cafeteria, when I saw the jocks crowded in a circle. There must be a fight.

Lukas and the jocks had fights often but whenever there is one I hope that he isn't involved. He could get in really bad trouble.

I quickly walked over to the boys and pushed past the people to see Eugene on the floor and Lukas roughly kicking his body.

Eugene looked awful, his cut lip was bleeding and glasses were smashed.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed, pushing Lukas back.

"Can't you see" he shouted


"Cause he applied for the football tryouts" Lukas replied. This made my blood boil.


Hi guys sorry this is a filler chapter and I don't really like it but don't worry next chapter will be better. Xxx


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