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Jason: *mentally face palms and walks up to Krueger*
Freddy: What do you want hockey puck
Jason: *kisses Freddy then runs off*
Freddy: *runs around screaming* I've been kissed by a walking corpse *A/N if you get the movie reference then your awesome*
Michael: I would actually consider dating you but, please don't yandere and keep a shrine of me
I think that should be all.................
*hears a loud crash outside*
???: Way to go Tony now my daughter is gonna be mad
*goes outside* DAD *runs over and hugs Steve Rodgers*
Clint: So this is your daughter, she looks nothing like you and she probably doesn't even have..............
*flips Clint on his back and twists his arm* I have super solider serum in me to dumby
*everyone else comes out*
Everyone this is my father Steve Rodgers or as you all know him as Captain America
Steve: Hi everyone I just came to pick Michaela up for training but, she'll still be able to video chat
Glen/Glenda/Jamie: SHE'S LEAVING
I'm sorry but yes I have too *holds back tears* I promise I'll video chat with you all when I can
Pietro: Vhat's taking so long *runs over* Hello sis
PIETRO *jumps on his back* to the helocarrier
Pietro: Alright, alright *runs to the helocarrier*
*I will be doing updates from the helocarrier and I will include the video chats from my friends and I*

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