Oh Boy

17 1 4

peguin225 requested that Tiffany, Michael, Chucky and Candyman react to Blue from Heathers. Jason to play the Friday the 13th game and for Glen to prank Freddy.

*pulls up Blue from Heathers*

Tiffany: What's this Michaela?

Chucky: *reads music title* NO WAY 😂

Candyman and Michael: *confused*

*plays the video while having a camera record their reactions*

Tiffany: *blushing* OMG

Chucky: *laughing his @$$ off*

Candyman and Michael: *still confused*

*explains what Ram and Kurt mean to them*

Candyman: WHAT!

Michael: Why would they sing about that!?

*sets up Friday the 13th game for Jason* You ready to play Jason *hands him game controller*

Jason: Yes *starts playing the game*

*small time skip from me helping Glen set up a prank for Freddy*

I'm checking on you Jasom, you've  been quieter then usual

Jason: This is fun *focused on the game*

Ok, you ready Glen *recording*

Glen: Totally *gets ready to hit Fredddy with a pie*


Freddy: WHAT *comes running in*

Glen: *hits Freddy in the face with the pie*

Glen and I: SMACK CAM *Glen runs off*

*turns off camera and runs*

Freddy: YOU BOTH ARE SO DEAD *trying to find us*

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