Off The Grid - 9

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            The home of the two Strigoi, or Vamps, as they sometimes call them, that they’d been watching for the last month is in a cute suburb of a neighboring city.  Perfectly manicured lawn, two new cars in the driveway and of course the blackout windows, which is how they had found these two this time around.

            Being innovative was something that the Roma’s are very good at.  Once Remy had been taken into the family, Dax had explained some of the ways they tracked Vamps.  They hunted them exclusively, that was, until Remy came along.  While Papa called them Strigoi, the younger generation called them Vamps.  One of the ways was windows.  Their home had darkly tinted windows, or black out blinds, usually very high end, since it was a matter of life or death for them, they left nothing to chance. 

            They routinely paid several interior decorators to give them the lowdown on anyone who was seeking such high end fair.  Vamps are a very rich lot and many insisted that the work be done at night.

            They walk the mile from where they’d parked their car, well, Remy’s car.  It was the one with the largest trunk.  The ride had been silent and Remy had glanced over at Dax several times to see his eyes shifting into that ethereal green.  He was watching the roadside.  Dom, in the backseat, had napped.

            Dax walks side by side with Remy, and Dominic trudges behind.  Remy knows Dax wants to say something to her.  “Out with it, brother.”

            Dax, his dark features grave, snaps his fingers as he walks. “I don’t get it, what you did.  Papa and I had talked about it and…”

            “You and Papa talked about what exactly?”

            Dax blushes, she sees his cheeks grow pink then a dark red that works its way up to his ears.  He dashes a look over his shoulder to see Dom walking lazily behind them.  “I told Papa to tell C that I’d marry you.”

            “He told me!” Remy’s voice rises more loudly than she’d like.  “Why on earth would you do that?  Why?  You and I are not a match, Dax.  You know what my predispositions are.”

            “Same reason that you offered to marry instead of Lena.  I know what your predispositions are.”

            Remy’s jaw works.  Anger ripples through her.  Attachments.  She should never have formed attachments.  It had been so long being alone that she’d fallen prey to her feelings.  Damn.


            “No,” snaps Remy.  “We have work to do.”

            She picks up her pace and moves away from Dax.  Sweet, handsome Dax with his chocolate eyes and his wayward black hair that hasn’t seen a comb in years, the young man who’d watched over her for days when his father had brought her in after she’d saved Lena.  Damn Gypsy ways!  She curses in her mind and absently makes the sign of the cross.  She loves her family, wishes they’d cut all ties and go rogue, hunting on their own, or not hunting at all!  No, no instead….

            She cuts the thought off in her mind.  She’d hunted before the Roma’s, maybe now is the time to leave.  But she knows she never will, at least not yet.  Too many things keep her here.  She comes to a stop just outside the entrance of the home and listens.  No sound.  She feels a hand on her shoulder and recognizes it as Dom’s.  “We’ll take the back, you take the front?”

Off The Grid (Kindred Series-3)Where stories live. Discover now