chapter one

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"I saw a spider
I didn't scream
cause I can belch
the alphabet
just double dog dare me"

"*six years before*"

"Momma can I go play?" I asked my mom as she was talking to my daddy.

"Sure sweety just come home before the street lights come on" she explained as I grabbed my baseball mitt.

I nod as I run out of the door and down the street to see a group of boys playing baseball.

"Hey can I play?" I yell as the boys look at me.
"Eww no your a girl!" A boy with blond hair said aloud.

"So?!" I ask in confusion.
"Girls can't play ball" another one said as I giggled.

"Well I can?!" I said In a chipper voice as the others snicker.

"Well prove it " he said tossing the ball to me as I catch it I run over to the pitchers mound.

"Henry get a bat! " the Blondie said as a boy with red hair steps up to bat.

"Give me all you got" he smirks as I get ready to pitch. I hear the boys yell "she can't throw!"

I pitch a straight line down the middle.
"Strike one" the boy yelled.

I threw curve balls,knuckles,and plain pitches, "your out!" The catcher yells as all the boys stare in shock.

"Told ya" I said as they smile funny.

"Wait she has to do something before she's in the gang!" the boy with black hair said as I raise my eyebrow.

"What's that?" I ask as the boy picks up something.

"She has to hold frank!" He exclaimed as he showed me and adorable wolf spider.

I held out my hands as they snicker setting him in my hand.

"He's so..." I pause as they smirk.

"Cute!" I giggle as he crawls around on my hand.

They stare at frank as I hand him back and smile widely.

"Your so awesome! Can we keep her Glen?!" Henry asks as I nod with hope in my eyes

The blond boy nods as I cheer,

"Play ball" I yell as we go back to playing.

one of the boysWhere stories live. Discover now