chapter two

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"I chose guitar
over ballet
And I'll take
these suckers
down cause
just in my way"

"*5 years later*"

"Charlie!" Henry and glen yell as I walk into the class room.

"Hey Henry,hey Glen" I smiled as other girls glared at me I shrugged it off.

"So what's up?" I ask as they look around.

"Nothing much you?" Henry says as glen nods.

"I'm going to summer camp" I say as they looked at me in shock.

"What?" I ask as they frown

"For how long?!" Glen asks as I try to remember,

"All summer" I say as there eyes widen.

"What? Why!" Henry says aloud as people look at us.

"Its a baseball camp" I say as I smile widely.

"Ohh...." They nod in unison
As the teacher begins to speak.

"Today is the last day of your middle school lives you will be going to highschool and I will be saying good luck so you all may continue talking until school ends" Mrs.marran
Says as we cheer and begin talking

"Um imma go talk to piper. " Henry says as he walks over to his girlfriend leaving me and glen alone to talk.

"Um Glen I have tell you something" I say as I blush .

"I like you" I say as his eyes widen.
He laughs loudly making my heart shatter into a millon pieces.

"Well duh your like my little sister"
He exclaims I put on a fake smile as the bell rings I grab my bag running out of the school and all the way home.

I had told my mother that I wanted to go to aunty Sings house instead of camp.

Why? because she's a model and I want a makeover!

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