chapter three

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"So over the summer
Something changed
I started reading 17
And shaving my legs"

"*her birthday on the last week of summer*"

"Sweetheart time for your makeover!" My aunt yells as I walk down the stairs to her car smiling like an idiot,

"Ready?" She asked as I nod my head and sit in the front seat of her red mustang.

As we drive I giggle looking into the mirror frowning at my appearance. ((I'm a harry potter fan don't kill me ;~;))

We stop at a big building " this is where I get my photos taken " my aunt said as I get out of the car starring at the building in awe.

"Wow" I smile as we walk in to be greeted by a bunch of people smiling and talking they take me to the back and do there nod plucking,waxing,cutting,tearing,glueing and more.


"OK darling open your eyes" Jada said as I uncovered my eyes.

I look at myself in the mirror I touch my face,
"Am I dreaming?" I ask in shock as I look at my hair.

"No sweety your not" my aunt says as I smile wide and hug my aunt.

"Thank you so so so so much!" I yell as I fangirl over my looks

"Now you are a model like me time for photos!" She says dragging me to the dressing room.

"R-really?!" I ask making sure she was telling the truth.

She nods handing me outfits telling me to choose what I like
"Why?" I ask aloud as she looks at shoes.

"New look new clothes" she exclaims as I giggle.

"This will be fun" I say as I try on outfit after outfit.


"Well that was a lot of clothes" I mumble as I collapse on my bed dreading the end of summer.

"I know darling.." She pauses
I look up to see tears forming in her eyes.

"Are you OK aunty?" I whisper as I slowly get up,
"Yes but im gonna miss you here to keep me company" she sniffles as I hug her.

"I'm gonna miss you too" I say as her smile brightens.

"Promise you'll vist" she says as I hop to my suitcase and start packing.

"Yes!" I giggles as I put my things in the suitcases.


I slept that night but woke up at three in the morning to get my things and go to the airport.

The ride was silent as my aunt drove past signs and humans slowly.

We stopped at the airport as I get my things out my aunt starts to cry.

I bhug her close " see you soon aunty" I say as she kisses my cheek and hands me my suitcases.

"Goodbye char" she yells as I walk into the airport and tro my plane.


As I arrive in love field Idaho I'm greeted by my mother and father.

"Oh my goodness" my mother giggles s she brings me into a hug.

"Is that you charlie?!" My father questions as I pull away from my mom.

"Yes daddy it's me" I giggle as he takes my bags and my mother rambles on about things that my idiotic friends did while I was gone.

I laugh at the thought of henry trying on heels and running down the street in my hello kitty PJs.


As we arrive home I jump out of the cat and run inside with my father following me.

I open the door to my room and collapse on my bed the smell of womens axe fills the air.

I drift off to sleep dreaming of school the next day.

one of the boysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora