Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

Once the morning came, I got out of bed and headed downstairs. I wonder if anyone else is up.

I got to the kitchen, no one was there but jade. "Hey why are you up so early?" I asked her.

"I couldn't sleep, but why are you up?" She asked me. "I always wake up early." I replied.

"Since we're the only one's up, we have to make breakfast." She said. I gave her a confused look.

"The girl's and I live together so, whoever is the first one up, HAS to make breakfast." She explained.

"That's weird, I normally have to make breakfast, because supposedly I'm the only one that can cook." I told her.

"That must suck." She said. "Yeah, but I'd rather have my cooking than louis' cooking." I said.

"I agree on that one." She said giggling. I have to ask her on a date now. "Em...I was wonder if you....wanted to go on a date with" I asked.

Jade's POV

I was shocked, in a good way though. "Sure," I simply said. "Wait, seriously?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," I giggled shyly. "Okay, I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies, later tonight." He said.

"Sounds like a plan." I said and started making the pancakes. He stayed there shocked.

"Harry it's rude to stare." I said. He blushed, aw it's cute when he blushes. Wait did I just think that.

"Thanks for the compliment." Shit I said that out loud. "Look who's blushing now." He said with a smirk.

I just went back to making the pancakes. Hopefully harry and I work out, unlike my other boyfriends. I don't wanna talk about it.

Anyways, once we were done everyone was up. "Good morning everyone." I said. "Morning." Everyone said quietly.

Why is everyone so down, like damn y'all gotta be happy. Perrie possibly put something in that lagsana.

They all dug in like animals. Yuck, harry and I were the only normal ones. Weird I would have that louis and niall would be the normal ones in the morning.

"Why is everyone so down today?" I asked them. They all just glared at me. What did I do?!

"Harry may you please give me the syrup." I said. He gave me the syrup. Breakfast was quiet.

Got to find out why everyone is so upset. Probably something perrie out in. But what could that be?

"Perrie can I talk to you." I asked. She nodded and followed me to the living room. "What did you put in that lagsana?" I asked her.

"Well when I was taking my meds, I accidentally put one in there." She explained. God this is gonna be a long day.

However takes perrie's meds they become all grumpy because they're only made for her. Note to self never trust perrie to cook again.


Short chapter for today. I'll try and update tomorrow if I have time. Also HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!


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