D or D 2

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A: Hello Bella, Edward, Rosalie, Emmet, Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme *Gasp* You all got here quickly!
Emmet: Vampires, super speed, duh!
Esme: Emmet!
Em: Sorry... By the way we're super strong, See, you like???
A: Ermmm, cool...
Rosalie: Emmet! He's with me.
A: K, good, let's carry on. While you were coming I wrote your names down, so let's do this!!!
All: Ughhh
A: Ok, next up is..... R
Ron: Not me, Not me Not me
Ros: Edward, is it me!?
A: O
Ron: No no no no no no no no no no no etc
Ros: Edward?!?!
Edward: Not telling
A: Salie!!!
Ron: Yes!
Ros: No!!!
A: Doom or Dare?
Ros: Dare
A: Ok, your dare is-
Ed: Don't you dare Alexa.
A: Don't I dare what?
Ed: I know what you want her to do, don't.
A: Fine, your dare is... To kiss Harry! On the lips!
H & Ros: Nooooo!
A: Come on, chop chop.
Ros: Here goes nothing one second kiss with Harry.
H: That actually felt nice.
G: Harry!
H: Joking!
Ros: Emmet, hold me before I faint.
Em: Will do!

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