D or D 4 pt 1

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A: Okay so whose been doomed or dared so far?
H: Me
Ron: Me
Ros: Me
Em: Me
A: And..... Draco! Doom or Dare?
Draco: Doom
A: Brave! Edward, are you ok with what I want to do?
Ed: You could get injured doing this, careful who you pick Draco, but after all, you did choose doom.
D:  Oh no...
A: Your task is to jump of a height, of one of the Cullen's choices, you get to choose who's choice it is, on another Cullen's back, your choice again.
D: Rosalie you choose the height *Gulp*
H: mouthing Please make it high
Ros: nods Hogwarts
D: Excuse me?
Ros: Off the top of Hogwarts. Whose back are you going on?
D: E-
Ed: Remember, muscles aren't everything.
D: Esme
Ed:Wise choice
Esme: Don't worry, I won't make it any worse for you.
Em: Dang.
Es: Come on Draco.

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