D or D 3 pt 1

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A: Okay, here we go, let's just jump straight into it! The next person to be doomed or dare is... Emmet!
Em: Ohyeah. Bring it at me, I choose doom.
A: Our first Doomer! You are so brave, choose someone from HP.
Em: The little ginger.
H: Not Ginny!
Em: Not that ginger, the other one.
Hermione: Ron?!
Em: Yep
Ron: Oh no.
A: You two have to swap lives, Ron give Emmet something to do and vice versa.
Ed: You are so cruel Emmet. This is going to be the best yet.
Ron: I don't like the sound of that...
Em: So what do want me to do ginger?
Ron: It's Ron, you need to fly a broom.
Em: Will do! You need to drink animal blood!
Ron: What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Em: Yep! See you soon!
A: Come on Emmet, this way!

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