Chapter seven

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Patrick's POV

I watched the news hit Tori. "Oh no." She said. "No no no."

"Tori, please-" I said.

"What about Marie? And Ruby?" She broke in.

"They're fine. I went to their house and saw them." I said.

She looked furious. "You should've told me!" She screamed. "Why did you lie to me? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I'm sorry, baby. I was just trying to keep you from stressing." I said.

"Keep me from stressing?" She demanded. "Patrick. I'm pregnant with a psycho that raped me and kidnapped me and tortured me. I'm trying to raise a baby whose mother abandoned him for no apparent reason. I just got out of another near death experience with my former roommate. I just found out I had a brother. my mother kidnapped my best friend, and both of his kids are here and I have to mother them too. I already have plenty of stress."

"Exactly, Tori!" I cried. "I didn't want you to have any more!"

She shook her head. "You should've told me. I had every right to know." She said.

"Why? What is Joe to you anyway? He's my friend. My bandmate. What the fuck is he to you?!" I demanded, angry now.

Tori glared at me. "Is that how you feel about it? In that case, pete is your friend, so his kids are your responsibility. And this is your house, so maybe you should live in it with them. And this is my baby, so maybe you should stay the fuck away from it." She yelled.

"Tori-" I began.

"Shut up. Im leaving." She said.

"And where do you plan on going?" I yelled.

"My brothers." She said.

I froze. "No." I said quickly.

"Yes." She replied.

She was walking away.

"Tori, wait!" I yelled.

I followed her up the stairs as she stomped up to her room. She was starting to pack.

"Tori, you can't go to Will's. We can't trust him." I said.

"After this shit I don't trust you either." She snapped.

"Tori, he's close with Sally! He could be working with her!" I cried.

"Good. Maybe I'll find pete." She said.

"Tori, please. You can't do this." I said.

She zipped up her duffel and turned to face me. "Yes I can." She said. "And yes I will."

She walked down the stairs and out the door.

Bronx came into my room a few seconds later. "Uncle Patrick?" He asked. "Where did Auntie Tori go?"

"To a bad place, Bronx." I said. "And we have to get her."

"I'll go put my shoes on." He said.

"Good. Because I'm taking you to uncle Andy's. I have to make a stop, and you can't come with me." I said.

He walked out, and I dialed the number. "Hello?" The voice was wary.

"What do you want?" I demanded.

"Finally give up fighting?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me what you want, Sally."

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