Chapter 17

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Toris POV

I fell asleep leaning on Pete's shoulder a little while later. A nurse woke me up to tell me Pete needed to return to his room. I went with him. Megan had taken Saint home, and Bronx was with his mother. I slept on the couch next to Pete's bed.

In the middle of the night, a nurse came and shook me awake.

"Miss Eaton. Your fiance is awake and alert. Hes asking for you." She said.

I was on my feet as fast as I could go. She helped me stand, and then I followed her to the room where Patrick was.

I almost cried the second I saw him. He was attached to all kinds of wires and tubes. He had an oxygen mask on. He had a big bandage on his chest, and he was naked from the waist down. A nurse had attempted to cover him up, but all the tubes were in the way.

He stirred when he saw me, and I heard his muffled voice through the mask.

"Shhh, baby. Relax. I'm here, I'm okay." I said, running to his side. I grabbed his hand and held it tight. "I'm so glad you're okay," i said, tears filling my eyes.

"I love you." He said against the mask.

"I love you so much." I said.

I kissed his hand and held it while I slept through the rest of the night.


"You okay, man?" Andy asked as he acted as a crutch for Patrick.

"I'm good. Pete?" Patrick asked.

"Charlotte is fine." Pete said.

He was helping my fat self up the steps.

"Good." Patrick said.

We went inside and Andy helped Patrick to the couch. Pete let me go and I followed my man.

"How are you baby?" I asked.

"Im fine." He said.

"We're gonna give you two some privacy. Declan will be here in the morning." Pete said.

"Take care of my boy." Patrick warned.

"After what you two did for me?" Pete asked. "Don't worry about anything."

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