Chapter 6

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AN- WOAH, long time since I've updated. Sorrry guys! I'll update more now since it's summer & I have more time. Bye! -Alex


I opened the door and 6 other bodies fell through it. "Were you guys listening the whole time?!" I said, a little embarassed. I wanted this to be a secret and tell them myself, not have them eavesdrop on the conversation. Eh, oh well.

Alex & I walked into the hotel room and sat on the couch. "Niall!" Harry & Zayn called. "Yes?" I answered. They motioned me to come over to them, so I stood up and made my way to the kitchen. "Sooo," I started to say, "Why'd you call me over here?" Zayn spoke up, "We wanna know if we should ask out Rosie and Alanna." "Yes, you should. But make sure it's at the right time." Harry then stood up grabbed the ice bucket, said to me "Well then I'm gonna make now that time." Man he was persistent. He walked to Rosie and asked if she wanted to come with him to get ice. She said yes and they walked out.


As soon as Niall said 'make sure it's at the right time,' I got an idea. I picked up the ice bucket, exchanged a couple words with Niall & Zayn & walked over to Rosie.

She looked up at me, "Wanna come with me to get ice?" I asked. She said yes and smiled. I knew this was a good idea since the ice box is by the lobby, and we're on the 10th floor. I decided to take the stairs so I'd have more time with her. It was quiet so I started a conversation,

"So, aren't we a handful?"

She laughed, "Yes, but you guys are good to have around."

"Yeah, I bet." I smiled at her. She smiled back. Man, she had such a beautiful smile.

"So, tell me about you and the boys, Mr. Styles?" She said.

I laughed and responded, "Okay, let's start with Liam. He's pretty much the "Daddy" of the group. That's what the fans call him, "Daddy Direction," anyway, he's so protective and he's one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He has a girlfriend, Danielle. And he loves her very much. He auditioned for X-Factor a year or two before all of us, but he didn't make it. He was happy about that.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Because he met all of us when we were put together."

She smiled, "Well, Liam sounds like a great guy. "

"Onto Niall," I started, "Niall is the most fun, crazy, hilarious guy you will ever meet. Not to mention he's the Irish one. He cares a lot about Alex, trust me. He'd never hurt her. He's so trustworthy & there's no way anyone could ever hate him."

"Awh, I'm glad Alex has that kind of guy." She said very happily.

"Zayn, he is another caring guy. The media makes him out to be a playboy kinda guy, he's not that at all. He's a very sensitive person, but he cares a lot for Alanna. He is another extremely trust worthy guy."

"Well, then I'm very happy for Alanna."

"Louis, one of my best mates. he is one of the jokester's out of all of us. But, he has a sensitive side. He has a girlfriend, Eleanor. He cares about her. A lot. He loves her. The fans have a name for us, Larry Stylinson," She giggled. "Someone genuinely think we're dating. It's crazy."

"Louis sounds very sweet. Now, what about you, Harry? Tell me more about you." She said curiously.

"Okay.. Well, I can tell you that.."


I have to admit, all the guys sound like such sweet people. I'm really glad I met all of them. But, I wanted to know more about Harry, so I asked;

"Louis sounds very sweet. Now, what about you, Harry? Tell me more about you."

He smiled at me and said. "Okay.. Well I can tell you that I am a guy who cares a lot about a certain girl, and knows that he will take care of her and would love to be able to call her his."

"Well, if this Harry guy cares for her as much as he says, I think he has a pretty good chance."

He looked at me, and we stopped right before the next set of stairs, we were now facing eachother. I could see him leaning in as I felt his breath on my lips. Our lips finally connected as they moved in sync. We broke from the kiss as he spoke,

"Rosie Mcdonald, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" My stomach exploded in happiness as this huge grin came across my face,

"Yes!" I squealed. I hugged him and we finished walking downstairs to get the ice. We took the elevator back up since it wouldn't take as long. Damn, I was dating Harry Styles. And I was really fucking happy.


"Jesus, how long does it take to get ice?!" I exclaimed.

"When you're with Harry, anything is possible." Zayn laughed.

Then, the door to the room opened and there stood Rosie and Harry, hand-in-hand. We all knew what had happened on that trip to the ice machine. A chorus of "Wooh's!" & "Yeah Harry's!" roared throughout the room.

I was beyond happy for Rosie. We all know that Harry won't hurt her. Which is a good thing. But I was also kinda sad, because I was falling for Zayn more and more every minute, and I am still a single loser. I wish he liked me..

Anyway, as I was sulking in my thoughts someone came up to me and called my name,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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