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I panicked at Namjoon's sudden appearance. I attempted to hide my tear stained face with my hands but Namjoon pulled them away.

"I've already seen you crying, it's too late." He said bluntly. I nodded and sighed. "How much did you hear?"

He puts on a thinking face, tapping his chin sarcastically. "Eh, most of it, I guess." My heart rate sped up. Abort! Abort!

I went to stand up but Namjoon grabbed my arm. "Calm down dude. I just heard you call yourself stupid about a gazillion times, say someone hated you, say that your nose hurts, and that you need sleep, that's it."

I sighed in relief, though what he had heard wasn't exactly good. "Sorry." I whispered. He groaned. "Stop being sorry for everything, please."

I nodded, "Sor- I mean, Can we go back to the hospital?" I asked timidly. Namjoon nodded without hesitation, and gently pulled me to my feet. "I'm tired so this nose thing better be quick."

We walked to his car, still sitting in silence as he drove back to the hospital. "Let's go." He said. I hadn't even noticed that the car had stopped.

I scrambled out of the car and caught up with Namjoon, who was walking really quickly. We entered the building, which was pretty busy. I noticed that half the people waiting were half asleep.

We headed to the front desk, who sent us to another, smaller, desk. "Hello, why are you here today?"

"Uh, M-my-"
"His nose is hurting quite a lot, and we're slightly worried about it." The women nodded and passed Namjoon a sheet. "Fill this in and show it to the doctor when they come to check up on you. Um, can I get the name please?"

"Uhh, Oh, J-"

"He's called Jin." The women nodded, smiling appreciatively at Namjoon. We went and sat down. "You stutter a lot, huh?" He said. I looked down at my hands.

He only snorted at my embarrassment. "Anyway, You said you needed sleep so, sleep now and I'll wake you up when you need to see the doctor."

I nodded, and closed my eyes as tiredness overcame me. I shuffled around a bit, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

I opened my eyes to see Namjoon looking at me, clearly irritated. He grabbed my head and placed it on his shoulder. The position was comfy, and I instinctively moved closer to Namjoon.

He tensed slightly but I just ignored it, closing my eyes and falling asleep.


Double update, whattttt.

(Also, I haven't been to a hospital in ages so pls don't kill me bc I know this is inaccurate)

noise; namjinWhere stories live. Discover now