Prolouge I

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A bright looking boy stood beside the deep red colored train. His mother father, and sister stood with him. As the whistle blew, his parents kissed and hugged their son goodbye. The boy quickly found his way through the crowd, finding an empty compartment he pulled out his book. A small, timid knock broke him out of his trance.


"H-H-hi. Can I sit here?" The blond boy asked. "Sure." The new boy struggled to drag his luggage through the petite sliding glass doors. "Let me help." The boy said. He waited for the other student to get up, but the brown haired boy snapped his fingers. The luggage flew up into the racks above. "How-"

"I've practiced. Please take a seat." He pointed to the cushions across from him. "I'm Graham by the way, Will Graham." The blond boy said.

"It's a great pleasure William, at least I believe that's your original name?"

He nodded, "Yes, yes it is." The other boy nodded slowly, in thought. "What's your name?" Will asked eagerly. "Lecter. Hannibal Lecter." The Lecter boy faced the Graham boy and stuck his hand out. Will took it gladly, thankful for he had found someone who didn't think he was a freak.

"So what house do you think you'll be sorted into?" Lecter asked causally, making small talk. "I, uh. I don't know..." Will said embarrassed. Of all the questions Hannibal had to ask him, he chose the one that he didn't know the answer to. "Muggleborn, at least I presume?"

"Yeah." Will mumbled shyly. "That's nothing to be ashamed of." Lecter said, reassuring the boy. "But somebody back in Diagon Alley said that it was bad luck." Lecter felt his temper itch, but his face and posture remained calmed. "Rubbish. It only matters about how hard you try."

After a few moments of silence Will spoke up. "What house do you think you'll be in?"

Lecter looked back at Graham from the window. "Perhaps Slytherin, or Ravenclaw." Graham's mouth twisted into a frown, but he nodded even though he didn't understand. "You're confused." Lecter stated. The blond boy slowly nodded. "Ravenclaw is for the brainiacs, they're mostly introverted. They also value knowledge over anything else. But might also be for people who adapted." He said. "Slytherin is for the cunning folk, they do everything out of ambition. The want to be the best of the best, and nothing stands in their way of glory. Or, pardon the expression, they'll be hell to pay."

"Okay." They remained silent until Lecter removed his robes from his trunk. "It'd be best if we changed in here. I'll close the blinds." Lecter suggested, but knew his compartment friend would agree. Will stood on the cushioned bench, his wand fell out of his pocket in the process. When he finally managed to grab his robes Hannibal was inspecting his wand. "Mahogany and Dragon heartstring. 10 inches, pliant. A nice wand." He clapped Graham and the back and turned around to change. Will looked at the boy with curiosity. His parents must be rich... He thought. Dressed in a green sweater and trousers Hannibal stood two, full, inches taller then Graham. Hannibal cleared his throat, "Are you going to keep staring, or are you going to change?"

The boys stood anxiously next to one another waiting for the sorting hat to call their name. "Graham, William." Lecter gave him a reassuring squeeze on the arm before making his way up there. The sorting hat was placed on his hand as Lecter strained to listen.

"Well, well, well. You're quite a strong-minded boy here, you definitely could be a Ravenclaw. You imagine you are friends with the weak ones, or anybody for that fact. So you can sympathize for them. Interesting, a Hufflepuff trait. But their is a chivalrous and intrepid personality about you.... GRYFFINDOR!"

The blond lean boy made his way to the people sporting red and gold colored ties and crests. "Foster, Molly." The sorting hat paused before
shouting, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The professor. Hannibal didn't know the name to, called his name front and center. "Ahhhh, very interesting. Son to Count and Simonetta. Your mother was a clear Ravenclaw, but your father was a brash Gryffindor. I sense neither in you, but perhaps a drive to understand humanity, which was your mothers goal. And will have no one stopping you in your way to find any cure.....SLYTHERIN!"

Lecter shot a brief glance towards Graham, then joined his true friends.

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