Josh Washington

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Jenna's Pov
I walk up the stairs of the cabin and I knock on the door. The door swings open to reveal Josh. "Hey Jenna!" Josh says with an excited voice while hugging me. "Hey Josh. I missed you." I reply and he smiles. "I've missed you too." Josh nods and I bite my lip. "I'm really sorry about...Hannah and Beth." I say quietly. "It's okay. You weren't apart of the stupid prank,that killed them." Josh says and sighs. "Is anyone else here yet?" I ask changing the subject. "You're the first one." Josh says with a small smile. He lets me in and we sit on the couch. I look at Josh and think He looks so sexy with that beanie. I reach up and take his beanie off. I giggle and he tries to get it back but I won't let him. "Come and get it." I tease and lean back on the couch. Josh smirks and kisses me. I gasp and close my eyes. I begin to kiss him back with a smile on my face. We hear someone clear their throat and we pull away. "Are you trying to take her to the bone zone?" Chris asks and I blush. Josh stands up and shakes his head before high-giving Chris. After a while the whole gang is here. Emily and Jessica start fighting and Josh sends Mike with Jessica to another cabin. Emily and Matt go to retrieve the bag with Emily's underwear. Sam decides to take a bath leaving me with Josh. I notice Josh is acting a little weird. "I'm going to my room." I say and Josh nods. I walk upstairs but stop when he can't see me. I watch Josh and see him muttering to himself. He begins walking outside. I raise an eyebrow and sneak to the room Josh is staying in. When I walk in I see his pill bottle in the trash can. I pick it up and see its full of pills. "Why aren't you taking your pills?" I ask out loud and put them in my pocket. I go to my room and get in the bath tub.
*time skip*
I hear Sam screaming so I rush outside in a towel and see her running away from someone in a mask. I gasp and cover my mouth. I begin running after her. "Are you okay?" I ask and she nods. "A little freaked out!" Sam exclaims and I nod. We jump over a bed. We eventually stop because we think we lost the person in the mask. The person appears and drugs us. I hear "I'm sorry." before I black out. I wake up and see I'm tied to a chair. I looks around and see Sam tied up too. Sam sees me and says "I think Josh is behind this." I nod before adding "I found Josh's medicine in his room but it was in the trash. There were still a lot of pills left." Sam gasps and then says "He's off his meds." I try to get out of the chair but with no luck. Mike eventually finds us and gets us out. I see our clothes and I grab them. "Here catch!" I say to Sam before throwing her clothes at her. Sam laughs and gets dressed. I do the same and we begin looking for the others. On the way Mike explains what happened to him and Jessica. Mike hears Ashley and Chris in a room near by us. We run in and see them tied to a chair. "Josh is dead." Chris says sadly and tears stream down my face. Sam rubs my back and says "It will be okay." Mike nods and hugs me. We start untying Chris and Ashley when the person in the mask walks in. They take there mask off to reveal Josh. Everyone gasps and they begin yelling at Josh. Sam and I look at each other. "Stop." I yell before Mike hits him. I run over to Josh. "He's off his meds!" Sam adds and I wrap my arms around him. "What!?" Chris,Mike,and Ashley yell in sync. Sam nods and I hold up the pill bottle. Everyone calms down and we all hug Josh. We manage to get Josh to take his meds after we arrive at the house. Emily,Matt,and Jessica arrive a few minutes later. When they arrive we tell them about Josh. They don't seem mad and assure Josh it's okay. We all begin talking and having fun. I notice Josh walking upstairs and I follow him to his room. "Josh." I say softly and touch him. Josh turns around and looks at me. Before I can say anything he kisses me. I kiss back and we pull away. "I love you Jenna. I always have." Josh says sweetly before adding "I'm crazy so I doubt you'll love me back." I cup Josh's face and tell him "You aren't crazy! You just need help. I do love you back." Josh's face lights up and he says "Really?" I nod before kissing him again. We curl up on his bed and fall asleep.
I'm sorry that this one sucks. Let me know what you think. Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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