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My name is of no importance and I am currently 17 years of age. I have been an added experiment to Dr. Adolf K Wiensmann in his research lab since he captured me. He found a connection between myself and the current project he is highly focused on figuring out: the Dresden Slate, a huge, round stone, heavy enough that it required special attachments.

Germany, 1945

"Well this research is just the tip of the iceberg," Adolf stated "With the Dresden Slate and Project Agape connected, the intensity level of the link with the Slate, is proportional to the complexity of the brain," he paused as he raised his chalk to the board, "From a more precise standpoint, the deviations from the law of causality, creates the Fieldback Group."

As these experiments carried out, plus without the proper seawater nutrients I needed to survive, my body was slowly deteriorating. Though he attempted to manipulate it, there was one error he would never be my real home. It was just a mere imitation.

"This engulfs beta bodies in the vicinity as it intensity increases in a manner of geometric progression," he finishes.

"An Army of super humans is born, huh?" replied a man with long black hair that was spiked and his bangs were short, falling messily over his eyes. In the back, it was tied into a short ponytail using a white band. He was wearing the standard uniform consisting of greenish, long-sleeved jacket closed with yellow buttons with pairs of red streaks running around the ends of his sleeves. Over his right breast pocket was a silver badge with a smaller, reddish one just above. There were gold-colored patterns on his shoulder pads followed with similarly-colored tassels on the ends, hanging over his shoulders. His collars were closed, furthermore patterned on the fronts with a stretch of cloth, patterned gold and red, with two stars over around the middle; signifying is rank as Lieutenant.

"No..." Adolf started "That is not my goal."

Then what was his purpose of having me here and using some of my power to tap into the Dredsen Slates...

He soon smiled and wrote something on the board: Freude!

"This will bring everyone happiness." he said with a soft smile.

To the extent of other's pain!

My eyes glowed a light blue to which an explosion met to his experiment. Everyone's eyes followed the source of the incredibly loud noise, and shockwave that left the lab rats unharmed, except for the one that was under the influence of the Dresden slate.

Adolf looked towards my stature only to meet me intense glare filled with animosity towards him. He sighed and smiled towards me, knowing already that I altered his experiment's perspective goals, only he failed to calculate the error, of a third party having an effect on his experiment.

"Addie!" yelled a tall, young woman with long, platinum blonde hair and blue eyes with long eyelashes. Her wavy hair reached down just below her collarbone and was mostly pushed to the left side of her body. Her side bangs were curved inwards to frame her cheeks.

"O-Oh...hi, sis!" waved Adolf.

If only I could see my own family, we all could experience Freude!"

"Hmm..." the Lieutenant replied.

"Hello Lieutenant." the woman replied, "Is my baby brother, bothering you again with his nonsense? Or perhaps, that beautiful sea maiden, looking to get her hands dirty from afar?"

Human lives do not interest me. It is in my nature only to kill what happens to be a threat to me, and at this moment, this is considered a high-level threat!

"No, I was just showing him my experiment," Adolf replied, "But Project Agape blew it up...right, lieutenant?"

"The results were quite astounding, and that creature up there is more powerful than anything yet looks as if she is simply one of us," the lieutenant replied as he looked towards my stature, only this time, my eyes were closed, pretending to fall asleep "I must say I am truly amazed."

"I told you sis!" Adolf replied, "However, I'm worried that the Lieutenant thinks I've been working on some kind of advanced instrument of war and that wouldn't be good! What a horrible thought!"

The woman walked swiftly towards her younger brought and pinched him causing hims to muffle sounds, which triggered me to do something I often did when he was feeling pain: laugh.

"That is not funny!" yelled Adolf with a small blush showing on his cheek as he looked up towards my chained stature.

The sound of my laughter, bright and cheerful like dandelions in summer days, blossomed upon the quiet field

"She has every right to laugh at you," the woman replied,"You need to hold your tongue," pinching her brother harder, "Don't forget we are receiving a very nice stipend for your research."

"C'mon, please let go! That really hurts!" Adolf whined.

Serves you right, to share a mere fraction of the pain I must feel.

Soon day turned into night, one day turned into two months as the air raids were heard loud and clear.

The researcher fled leaving me to stay chained.The attach of enemy planes flying over, dropping bombs. Big bombs exploded with a loud bang and blew buildings apart. Small bombs called 'incendiaries' started fires.

Building slowly collapsing, allowed for one of chained cuffs to be released. With the lack of energy, I was unable to even unchain the other chain, remaining dangling in the air. The flames engulfing the area until soft hands pulled on my dress and covered me in their arms while running out.

"Please, Project Agape...though my brother treated you harshly for his experiments, watch over him. I can tell from that day you saved him, he fell for you, he just doesn't remember who you really are" a soft voice replied "Please, Felicitas watch over him."

"Only because you asked, Klaudia, but not in this lifetime" you reply as the debris covered the both of you, instantly crushing the both of you.

I slightly open my eyes I barely heard soft whimpering sounds and saw that my face glistened with freshly shed tears.

"Maybe in the next millennia, we shall meet again Adolf."

"P-Project sister...they are both gone." he replies as he held his sister's body and caressed her cheek and soon looked back towards Project Agape, to see a small charm around her wrist. He slid it off and looked towards it:

Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens (You are the love of my life)

realizing a truth behind it.

"Y-You were the one that saved me when I was love...!" Adolf gasps as he lays his sister's remnants down and attempts to move the boulder crushing your body. Tears slipped from his eyes more than it ever did as he pushes with all his might only to see a mutilated corpse.

"N-No!!!" Adolf cries as he brought the corpse to his face and cried.

"All that is gone, is lost forever," Adolf states "The war two people I loved dearly."

"But everything is not lost."

"Yes, it is. at least for me," Adolf says while looking out towards the sunset "This was the same hues that showed when Felicitas saved me."

"What was she to you?" the Lieutenant asks.

"She was the girl I wanted to find once more and tell my feelings towards...but I used her, drained her energy all for this experiment, unable to see that she was the one who saved me from drowning when I was little. The one who allowed for me to encompass the very thought, meaning of the"

"Are you running away, then?" The Lieutenant

Our Path Comes together again-Isana Yashiro/ Adolf K WeismannWhere stories live. Discover now