Chapter 1: Present Times

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"Now arriving on Track two, the 8:05 train, which will be departing for the campus of Ashinaka High School."  the train conductor says. "Please stand clear of the doors."

I lift my hand up to my chin as I look out the window towards the sea. Today was my first day at Ashinaka. I rise from my seat and make my way to the door. While passing through the other students on the train, I hear the whispers that follow.

'Who is she?'

'She's so beautiful compared to most of the girls here?!'

'She must be new!'

'Is she a Goddess??'

'Can I score a date with that hottie?'

Commonly happens around me, but sadly, I am bound by one. The one who wears my bracelet. 

That bracelet, though I have no recollection of where it is...

The doors open, I step out with my hands stuffed deep into my skirts pockets as the bag, nestled between my arms. I walk out towards the main entrance, enticing many males as I walk through and captivating the attention of some females.

I take my PDA out and scan it again the machine.

"Just a reminder for all of you who are busy preparing for the upcoming school festival." the announcer states "Please don't get carried away with any unofficial activities, and always remember to uphold the tradition and honor of the school."

I place the earbuds around my neck into my ear, once again becoming bewitched to Beethoven's 9th Symphony, humming it as I walked down the hallway. One by one, each individual would stop what they were doing and smile towards me, as a silent way of saying ' your voice is beautiful.'

I soon pull one of my earbuds out and began searching for the piece of paper I was  given. I looked at the writing and saw the class number. I opened the door to see people eating lunch.

"I can't believe this, but I forgot to bring my lunch today!" a voice states "Will you share?"

"Say are you the new student?"  a girl asks.

I looked towards her in a stotic gaze. She was a petite girl with shoulder-length brown hair and olive-colored eyes. Her side bangs have white clips on the ends and a matching ring that sits above each clip.

I look towards my watch and turned around and closed the door.

"H-Hey!" she yells as she instantly realizes you weren't in the halls.

I lay back and look at the moving clouds. 

It is a strange feeling being put on this earth. I couldn't remember anything but waking up on the streets of Shizume with all those people staring at me. They I.D. me as Haruhi Mikami ( 海 守ハルヒ). Then I was ordered to return to Ashinaka High School three days after once I was signed out by a nice man named Tatara Totsuka. But why has my body followed his command. It is as if my being knows that my bracelet is here.

The loud shutting of the door knock my sense back to earth. I shift my eyes towards the door to see that same kid that was begging for food up here. He turns and jumps at my presence, to which I shift my gaze back to the sky.

"Tch." I reply.

"I didn't know someone else love coming up here as much as I do," he says, "The name is Yashiro Isana, and you are."

"No one worth knowing," I reply slipping my earphones into my ear.

"Hm..." he says curiously and smiles "I see, sorry for interfering with your lunch time, I'll just sit over there." he points out with his left arm.

The moment I was about to close my eyes, something sparkling caught their interest.  It was at that moment, my eyes widen as I  realize what the object was on his wrist.

I pull out both of my headphones out as I look towards the boy as he sits on one of the units and begins to eat his lunch with a smile. My eyes shift again towards the bracelet on his left hand, to which I gasp.

"That bracelet, where did you get it?" I ask with a red tint present on my face, from my embarassment of being so mean to him just a short time ago.

"O-oh, this?" he questions raising his hand "I really can't remember, it has been a long time ago. But the only thing I can remember was that it was given to someone precious to me."

But I don't remember ever giving him that bracelet. This boy, a simply male teenager of average height with messy, white hair and amber-colored eyes. Initially, he wore a navy blue Japanese school uniform over a long-sleeved white shirt, with a closed high-collared jacket and loose pants topped with brown shoes...he had my bracelet...but I don't remember ever giving that to him...Yashiro, Isana.

Our Path Comes together again-Isana Yashiro/ Adolf K WeismannWhere stories live. Discover now