Video call

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Your POV.
I woke up early, did my morning routine and jumped onto the couch. I was curious to see if he messaged me, and when I checked I had 3 messages!
xXPanPandaXx: Hi!

xXPanPandaXx: I know you might be asleep...

xXPanPandaXx: but I was wondering if I could video chat you today?

I smiled. It sounded like a good idea.

(Y/u): Sure! :)

xXPanPandaXx: Is right now a okay time?

(Y/u): yup x3.

I quickly put my phone down and pulled out my laptop. I logged into the site and waited. Incoming call from, panda. My screen flashed. I clicked the green answer button and wait for the video to show. What did I see? A panda.

At least he wasn't lieing. I thought to myself.

"Hi!" He waved his paw.
"Hello!" I smiled back. Oh wait, I don't know his name.
"What's your name by the way? You never told me." I asked.
"Panda, what's yours?" He asked. He seemed nervous. "Y/n." I answered back.

I saw a white bear and a brown bear walk across the background. This was so weird.

Pandas POV
She was so cute in chat!

"So, you got roommates?" She asked. I shook my head quickly. "That's ice bear and griz, my brothers! I explained. She nodded her head. " so what other things do you enjoy beside art?" She asked leaning on her hands. "Well, um, I like, video games, tumblr, Asian food, blogs." I listed off. "I'm almost the same!" She replied smiling.
I started to get nervous. What should I talk about? "What kinda of house do you live in?" I blurted out. She seemed confused. "Apartment, I don't need a lot of space since its only me." She said shrugging. The rest of the call want smoothly and I even found out she lived near me! We planned to meet up a a nearby park and hangout.

This is so exciting!

Prepare for the shy attack in the next chapter :D

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