Picnic and bees.

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I woke up to a sunny morning, and did my morning routine. I decided to wear a white T-shirt and some shorts, since it was sunny. I went to the kitchen and got out some bread for the sandwhichs. I grabbed a butter knife before realizing I forgot to ask if he had any allergy's. I quickly snatched my phone and opened up our chat box.
(Y/u): real quick, do you have any allergys?

xXPanPandaXx: Peanuts

(Y/u): okay! Just needed to know!

I made us some ham and turkey sandwhichs and pack some fruits.
This should do. I checked the time and it was already 10:00, so I had time to spare since the date was at 11:20. I decided to continue my panda painting.

Panda's POV
My brothers were cheering for me. "So bro, will you need any help?" Griz teased. "Griz I think I got this." I said sitting down. "Ice bear wants to go to the park too." Ice bear asked. He stared at me with his empty eyes. Griz looked like he wanted to come too. "Really?" I asked them. "Please?" Griz asked. "Only if you don't eat all the food she brings." I glared at him. "I promise I won't!". I nodded and grabbed my phone telling (y/n) I was bringing my brothers along. " ice bear wonders what her name is." Ice bear asked. "Her name is y/n." I answered smiling.

Your POV
I sat on the picnic blanket I had layed out an warmed up into he sun. It was a beautiful day and the park was just amazing. I heard three people talking and looked over to see three bears. Well, here goes nothing. I waved my hand signaling I was over here. Panda spotted me and ran over excitedly. "Hi! Its so nice to meet you in person." I said as he sat down. "Its, uh, a pleasure to meet y-you too (y-y/n)." Panda replied nervous. The two other bears came over, the brown one bouncing, and the white one formally sitting down. "Hi I'm griz, got any juice?" Griz asked. I laughed and pulled some out of my basket. I got out all the food and divided it among all of us. "S-so (y/n) do you come here a lot?" Panda asked. Is he okay? "Yeah! The park is really relaxing." I smiled brightly at him. "Ice bear wonders if you have any honey." I ce bear asked pawing me. I shook my head and he kept his expression. Griz frowned and got up announcing he'll be back. "Ice bear has a bad feeling" ice bear announces. We watched as griz walked over to a tree-where a bee hive was- and climbed up it. "Uh-oh." I muttered. Panda was watching wide mouth and ice bear looked like... Ice bear. Griz reached toward the hive, grabbed it, an fell down. I flinched as he screamed and I heard bees fly. "That's gonna hurt." I said. Panda nodded as griz ran around trying to escape the bees.

Let's just say, it was a nice date.

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