Body Shape

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Body Shape

This little girl was loved by her family,

Treasured as a gem, and not as a nobody;

She got used to it, that sweet treatment,

Until one day, she heard some criticism.

Her father said, she's worth more than gold,

But the society disagreed and laughed so hard;

'Are your loved ones blind?' was she heard,

'You are fat and ugly.' That she cried so loud.

She looked at the mirror, and there she saw,

A flabby cheeks, a chin that is double;

The words she heard stole her glow,

Sp she made a move to remove it all.

She started shedding extra pound

Through exercising, running and not eating.

She said to herself, ' I want to be pretty.'

So she drank a slimming tea to fill her hungry tummy.

Day by day, her body got slimmer,

She became thinner but at the same time, paler;

She kept on drinking tea with slimming tablet

'til her body got abused and consumed by the toxics.

In the wake, her remains can be seen,

She is now thin, not fat and ugly;

At last, her beauty was now achieved,

But then she died, unfortunately.

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