6. The Tale of Ann's Dark Past

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Ash's POV:

No classes for today. All the teachers thought the students need some free time to digest the situation. If it would've been some other day you would see me and Sydney dancing around the class like two psycho patients; but when there was a dead student found in your school, you can't really appriciate a free class can you?

I and Sydney have been sitting quietly here for almost an hour. I thought it wasn't possible even in our wildest dreams.

"Hey..." Sydney said closing her copy of the Pride and Prejudice.

"Hm?" I didn't look up from my nails which have been the most fascinating thing to look at for the past hour.

"Want to go out?" She said nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah, sure." Going out of the class and having some fresh air seemed like the best idea right now. I took my bag, phone and left the room with Sydney.

The corridors were absolutely empty and so creepily quiet I was compelled to think maybe we're the only living souls in the building.

"Ash where is Ran?" Sydney asked me while we walked to where our lockers were.

"She is in her Chemistry class right now." I answered. After our small conversation from earlier today, she left for her class and I went for mine.


"After Ran went off to stop you Mel also left. She said her mom is leaving for Califonia tonight so she went back to help her pack and see her off." Sydney said as she took out her bottle and kept her books from today in her locker.

"Oh." I replied curtly.

I couldn't stop my thoughts, they were all jumbled up and my brain was draining all my energy while assembling them in order. The who-can-curse-and-yell-the-most conbersation with my principal, Ann, and everything else was messing me up. Right now I feel like I should go to the Mountains, sit under a waterfall and meditate to cool my mind. Yes you should do that Ash!

"You're weirdly quiet, something happened?"

"Tell me something that did not happen."

"You didn't lose your virginity to someone!" Sydney said slapping me playfully.

Really Sydney? This is the time and place and situation to talk of me being a virgin...I shot her a glare and she snorted. Sydney and her bad jokes at the worst times.

"Kidding! Sorry but really what happened...not like Mr Twist handed you a TC!" I gave her a look. "Did he!? Oh my gosh!" She gasped. "What the hell did you say that he gave you a-"

I cut her off. "Calm your tits woman! He did not hand me a TC!" I huffed. "I'm just a bit off with everything that is going on, and on top of that an hour ago I was yelling and cursing at my principal for acting so dumb!! So now how the hell do you even expect me to stay calm like the weather is good and am enjoying a picnic on the bank of a river!" I snapped at Sydney. She stood in front of me with eyes and mouth wide open. Perfect. Just the outburst I was trying to control. Screw me!! "I-I'm sorry...I didn't wanted to react like that-" She hugged me.

"At least now I know what actually happened. I asked Ran before but she said you had a little argument with Mr Twist and that's it- though it's clrealy visible that it's more than just a little argument." She said.

"Still, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let it all out on you like that..."

"Come on, don't do these formalities with me okay! And for the payback dear you've been doing this thing with me for the past year. Vomiting everything out in front of me whenever things went down." She winked.

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