Chapter 7

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"Oh, Jane!" Harry yelled as I stepped out of the elevator. All the boys turned to look at me and their jaws dropped. I giggled and walked toward them. They didn’t look to bad themselves, they all had pants on that weren’t halfway down their butts, so that’s a good sign!

"You look absolutely beautiful." Niall said as I spun around. It was a gorgeous dress, I had gotten it in Paris last summer when my family went on vacation. (

"I agree with Nialler!" Zayn smiled as he wrapped his arm around Niall’s shoulder. Louis nodded and Liam just starred at me.

"If you weren’t so annoying, I would totally be all over you." Harry joked and winked at me. I pretended to puke and we were all ushered to the car by at least a dozen body guards.

There were fans crowded around the entrance of the hotel, screaming and crying for autographs and picture with the boys. Paparazzi were closer to the car, and the boys pushed me to get in first, I was confused until I realized why they did that. They all crowded at the door as I got in so that no one could get a picture up my dress. I sat on the farthest end of the limo, to make room for the to get in. Liam sat down next to me, followed by Harry, then Zayn, Niall, And Louis.

"Thanks guys," I said as they all got situated. They all smiled and nodded. The whole ride we all just sat there and talked about what to talk about at dinner.

The car slowly came to a stop in front of this super posh restaurant and I let out a squeal. All the boys jumped at the sound, since it probably reminded them a obsessed fangirl that could have hid in the limo.

"Sorry, that was me." I giggled and followed them out of the car. Once again, there were paparazzi and fans everywhere you looked. I got hundreds of death stares and flicked off many times, but kept a smile on my face. I just followed Louis, who had taken my hand and dragged me behind him.

The restaurant was beautiful, it was Italian and had a outdoorsy theme. There were vines down the walls and flower petals on the floor. The waitress lead us to this room, where at least 14 people were already seated. It was like a wedding party, there was a dance floor, and a cake. The people stood up and hugged the boys and I before we sat down.

I sat in between Harry and Liam, while Niall, Louis, and Zayn sat across from us. I started to fiddle with a sequin on my dress until Harry nudged me. I looked up and gave him a look as if to say, ‘What the hell?’ he nodded toward the waitress who had apparently asked me something and I didn’t answer her.

"Oh, sorry!" I turned to her and asked me again.

"Would you like something other than water? We have our signature white wine today."

"No thank you, I’m alright." I smiled and started looking through the menu. It was mostly in French, which confused me, since this was a ITALIAN restaurant. I leaned toward Harry and asked him what it said. He read the menu out loud to everyone else, and I decided on the fettuccine Alfredo topped with shrimp.

After we ordered, we answered a ton of questions, from how excited we are for the tour to if we were dating anyone. After ten awkward minutes of just sitting there, Harry stood up and extended his hand towards me. I looked up at him with a questioning look, and he just nodded toward the dance floor. I smiled and took his hand, and he lead me to the floor.

My right hand stayed in his left and my left made its way to his shoulder. His right hand rested on my waist. We slowly swayed to the music, it was kind of more awkward than just sitting in silence, and we were the only ones dancing, but it was more privet and something was obviously on his mind.

"Okay, what’s up?" I whispered while my back was to everyone else. Harry fixed his green eyes on my blue ones and took a deep breath.

"Do you have feelings for Liam?" he asked as he spun me around.

"What? I don’t know!" he looked me in the eye and nodded.

"Well, when you realize you do, and he likes you back, don’t hurt him by dating Taylor. He means well and is falling hard for you."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Look, I’m sorry for being so….. rude to you. It’s just, I’m so used to having girl throw themselves at me, and when you didn’t, I kinda got offended and tried to charm you." I smiled and nodded.

"I’m sorry, too. I just, hate cocky guys, they get on my nerves and you were extra cocky." I sighed and he nodded like he understood. He spun me around again, and dipped me down so I was almost laying on the ground. I giggled as he easily pulled me back up.

"Now, back to Liam. He really likes you, but since your going on a date with Taylor, he’s crushed and upset, so, for his sake, if you could not talk about him too much around him, we would all be happier." I smiled and nodded.

"Now, back to our apologies, does this mean we are friends?"

"If you want to be."

"Yes! But that doesn’t mean I won’t be annoying you!" I giggled and he jabbed me in the side with the hand that was on my waist.

"Same here." he smiled and the song ended. Harry spun me around one last time and kissed my hand that was in his. I curtsied and went back to my seat. Niall was eating some bread while he talked to Liam and Louis was poking Zayn while he checked his Twitter.

"Alright, everyone, I would like to make a toast!" Some drunk man at the end of the table stood up and yelled. After he got everyone’s attention, he started talking, “So, boys, and girl, I want to make a toast to this world tour and for many more after!" we all said cheers and clinked our glasses together, “Oh, and one more thing! If you do have sex on the bus, use protection!"

My eyes widened and everyone got quiet. It was more embarrassing since everyone was looking at me. Do they all think I’m like that? God! It’s honestly disgusting to think about that, considering we will be around each other for 7 months. And why does this always seem to be coming up in every conversation around adults?! You would think they would be more mature and not talk about that to their bosses kid, yet they are the complete opposite.

The rest of the night, I focused on my ring or whoever tried to make small talk with me. Now I’m mad that it’s going to be awkward around the guys and all thanks to some dumb man. When it was time to go, I stood up and followed the body guard out to the car in silence. I sat next to the window and just starred. I can’t ignore them forever, but I can for one night.

The car ride took forever, but I started playing I spy by myself. I know that sounds weird, but I name a random object that I would easily see then I try to find one of them. After ten minutes, we finally pulled up to the front of the hotel. I jumped out and speed-walked inside, ignoring all of the girls screaming my name. Wait? Girls screaming my name?! I started walking faster and decided to take the stairs, and actually be by myself. I slowly walked up each step, counting them, trying to get my mind off things.

Once I was halfway to the tenth floor, I slid my heels off to carry them. I took off my jewelry and let my hair down as I walked up the rest of the way. When I pushed through through the door that led to the hallway my room was in, all five boys were standing at my door, knocking. I let out a soft cough and they turned around, looking like a deer in headlights.

"Excuse me." I said softly as I pushed past them and unlocked my door. I didn’t look at them before I closed and locked it behind me.

I slid out of my dress and laid it on a chair before pulling on some pajamas. (

I hopped on my bed and grabbed my laptop, I decided to search myself on the internet, since the girls were screaming my name. I clicked on the first website that popped up and the first thing I saw was a picture of Harry and I dancing. The caption said, ‘Looks like Harry has a new bitch.’ My jaw dropped and I slammed my laptop shut. I laid back and let a tear escape my eyes before I fell asleep.

Feel The Payne- A Liam Payne FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora