Chapter 16

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"Okay, listen up everyone! We go a call from the producer of the Grace Kinlin Show, and they want all six of you on the show next week! Jane would go on before Louis, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Liam, and Grace is known for asking extremely personal questions, so for the next five days, we are gonna do some extra media coaching. We will start right now." Paul announced over lunch and sat at the head of the table."Now, Jane, you are the one we are most worried about, since you are new and not used to this kind of stuff, she’s really going to pick at you." 

"What do you mean ‘pick at’ me?"

"She’s going to try to get information on the boys from you, and she’ going to try to get you to tell her you are romantically involved with one of the boys."

"Alright, well, give me more examples."

"Okay. Are you pregnant with any One Direction members child."

"Ew, no."

"Are you pregnant with Taylor Lautner’s child?"


"Are you bulimic?" I saw this coming. I hadn’t been reading the latest gossip about me, Taylor, or the boys, but I knew this would come up somewhere. I closed my eyes and rubbed my face with my hands.

"No, no I’m not." I huffed and started picking at my sandwich again.

"Do you fancy any of the members in One Direction?"

I gulped and thought about that. Do I? Yes, I like Liam, but I can’t say that! I rolled my eyes and decided to answer it truthfully, but avoid answering it exactly, if that makes sense. “I don’t think it’s practical to fancy any of them at all, only because I am going to be around them constantly for seven months. Plus, if I did, they are all too fit for me."

"And how is Taylor your kind of guy?"

Oh god. “Um, we are total opposites,  but something about him I keep gravitating to. Opposites attract!" I wasn’t completely dishonest, the thing that keeps gravitating me to him are his legs walk him to me. 

"If you could date any one of the boys, who would it be?"

Seriously? Really? This question? “Um, Harry, because when we broke up, we could still get on great." I went with safe instead of honest, which I didn’t mind.

"How long have you and Taylor been engaged?"

"We aren’t engaged, we just started dating a little over a week ago."

"Okay, we will work on this more later, we need to work out something with the light, you guys take 10."

I stood up and gave my extra food to Niall before heading to the bathroom to wash my hands. Taylor had some meeting so he left, and to tell the truth, it was a relief. I liked him, but he was so clingy and it was getting kind of annoying. I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the cold water. I hate washing my hands in hot water because I always end up burning myself, so I’ve always washed them in cold water. I love the chills it gives me even after I dry them.

I flicked some water on my face and told myself to calm down. The fact that I was going to be asked those kinds of questions on live television just makes me nervous. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I stood there silently until I felt someones arms snake around my waist. They nuzzled their head into my neck, and immediately, I could smell Liam’s aftershave.

"What the hell?!" I screamed as I jumped out of his arms. “A-Are you crazy?!" he gave me a nervous look and covered my mouth with his hand. A stage crew member walked in and he pulled me into a stall.  He locked the door and turned to me. Our faces were only inches away and I was fighting the urge to kiss him.

"What’s wrong with you?!" I whisper-yelled and he just pulled me into him. I didn’t try to pull away, I just looked up into his gorgeous chocolate eyes. He lightly brushed the back of his hand against my cheek. Just that small of a touch gave me goosebumps and sent chills down my spine. His hands slid down my arms and rested on my hips. I could feel his breath hitch as I ran my fingers along his shoulders and down to the crook of his elbow. 

I knew it was wrong to even be this close to him, but it felt so right. We were hidden in the bathroom stall, inches away from each other and it still felt right. He pushed me up against the door and brushed some hair behind my ear. His hand stayed on my cheek and he leaned toward me. His lips gently moved in sync with mine and I tangled my fingers in his hair.

Liam pressed his whole body against mine and deepened the kiss. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

"Why are you with him?" he whispered softly and I shook my head.

"Because I’m not aloud to be with you." I sighed and pulled away from him completely. I unlocked the door and stepped out of the small area.

"What does that mean?"

"I was specifically told I wasn’t aloud to date any of you." I mumbled and I fixed myself in the mirror. My lipgloss was smudged and my hair was kind of ruffled. I turned toward him and wiped my lipgloss off of his face. He grabbed my hand and just looked at me. I sighed and left him standing by himself while I went back to the stage.

Feel The Payne- A Liam Payne FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora